Saturday, December 24, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Until you make the unconscious conscious... it will direct your life and you will call it fate - Carl Jung - The Justice Card

Intellectual Pussies

"We realize what we've said so far may not be sufficient to satisfy the paranoid cynics, who include among their number of many well-respected thinkers. Unless we demonstrate that we have some mastery of their ideology, they'll dismiss us as intellectual pussies. They will need proof we are familiar with the data they favor..."

Helping People

"The level of one's spiritual wisdom, I believe, is more accurately measured by helping people in need rather than meditation skills, shamanic shapeshifting, supernatural powers, or esoteric knowledge"

The Labyrinth of the Unconscious

"The whole unconscious opens up and swallows the sufferer, who must then learn to swim, often with the aid of a competent 'lifesaver' who's been there (i.e. explored and survived the hazardous labyrinths of the unconscious) and so knows the road."

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Prayer For A Friend

Consciousness is the experience. Looking back now, I can see my levels of consciousness as I grew. It's an interesting discovery to see that the realms of the heavens and the depths of hell are all right here... living together side by side. Interacting with one another.

The demons of the lower levels and the angels of the higher realms. As I raise my consciousness I grow closer and more aware of those heavenly pockets of the universe. The sociopath next door. The red dots of child molesters on the map... they are all right here... on earth.

I am becoming an Earth Angel.

The macrocosm of the God in heaven and the Microcosm of the Devil within the Earth. The primal urges of our childish tendencies within our lower genitals and the celestial kingdom between our temples.

As beings of vibration, like always attracts like. When I was younger on a lower vibration, I attracted all sorts of things that were not me. Pushed and pulled by the lower levels of my soul. As I grew older and gained consciousness, my vibration raised. I now understand why that cruel monster of a man who lives on my street can never touch me.

I am now part of that kingdom. I have worked hard for it.

It isnt easy having such knowledge. Such understanding. Seeing others suffer effects people everywhere. How do you tell a fifteen year old boy that he is standing at the cusp of his life's beginning? How do you explain to his level of consciousness that he is about to take a step off that ledge and begin to create his world by his choices and his beliefs on how the world works?

He is about to create his own universe.

This isn't some aboriginal culture that has their boys leave the village to "climb the mountain". All he has seen is pain and suffering. His mind is already polluted with thoughts and ideas of hurt.

Hurt creates hurt. This boy is in danger.

He is a danger to himself and possibly a danger to others down the road.

So what do I do?

I'll pray for him. To whatever is out there this boy is in pain and has never had a chance. I wish that you send him helpers like myself to his side to help walk him down this path that he is beginning.

Send love to him in all forms. Teach him lessons gently and I hope he is willing to open to your love despite how much he suffers.

The North wind and the Sun were having a battle... who was stronger who was smarter they bet who could make a boy take of his jacket. The wind blew and blew and he clung harder. Then the sun came out and the boy took off his jacket.

We are meant to protect our kids with love and allow them to grow in a safe environment until their level of consciousness is at a stage where they can create a beautiful landscape of their lives. To gaze at the stars and dream up beautiful symphonies for the music of their life to vibrate up into the heavens.

Not this. This is not how any person should start their life. Be gentle with him. Please. It is not his fault. He knows not what he does.

If I had a magic wand I would fix this for you. If it was socially acceptable I would wrap my arms around you and pierce you with my heart. But I have to play this game.

I am an angel but I cant help him unless he is willing to let me. How many of us walk around in despair with thousands of angels ready at hand to divinely intervene?

So they think they are alone.

Growing up is hard to do. At any age.

I trust that the plan for him is great. That the light I see in him will one day be used for your purpose in the most amazing ways. May he have the support he needs as you build his character.

Let him harm none in the process.

This is part of the game that is the hardest. Knowing when you want us to help and when he is in your hands. You shape us like clay. May he one day become your beautiful pot.

I pray that through this he will always make choices of love. As to avoid that pesky karma that is about to unfold before him.

Lift him up. Let his consciousness grow towards the light like a flower raising from the dirt.

Thank you for your never ending love for us. Im Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I Love You, Thank You.