Eight Of Swords
Hierophant: On the outskirts of the crowd freaks stand by the wayside. Across the street stand a danny devito looking dude with a used carsalesman look to him. HIs clothes too small to fit and slick black hair. He stands on a short box and waves the rejects to over to his train car... across the train is a painted sign that says "Seek Knowledge... find yourself on the Carnival." Learned Behaviors/classical conditioning PTSD/Religion/parents/Trauma.
No matter what part of the Wheel you are at... whether the anitciaption and fear of the ascend or the exhileration of being on top, the relief of the descent... it is the movement of the ride that makes the whole experience fun... enjoy it because after it is over you must get off... but dont worry you have an unlimited pass.
Man standing in woods holding shrooms and pills. Moonlight lights up half of his body turning him into a wolfman.
The Tatooed man is not a victim of his circumstances. He made the choices to look the way he does. We are told not to judge a book by its cover... but people still feel the mistrust and suspicion around people who go out of their way to make their appearance disturbing to others. How do you determine who to trust? Appearances may be deceiving.
The Chariot
Seven of Swords
A woman was chosen from the crowd. Around around she goes unaware that she has just gotten herself into a dangerous situation. Five daggers have already been thrown at her... an impish man stands with two remaining daggers in his hand. The woman has invested her trust into the hands of someone who intends to harm her. Unbenonced to her, her blindfold hides the Truth. Blindfolded she whirls around. In life it is hard to know who to trust. People come into our lives to teach us and point out our own weaknesses and someone has to be the bad guy in the story. Everyone plays this role at one point or another in their lives. The situation is easier to handle though when you know what you are dealing with. When this this card is drawn know that someone is being deceived. The question in this card is whether or not you are being deceived or if you are the deceiver! Life has happened to her. She did nothing wrong. She did not see it coming. She is the lamb of God. This card, being the Moon in Aquarius is called the "Knowledge Bearer". The Subconscious mind is coming forth to teach you self -knowledge. If you fall victim to this card you will find yourself in a situation where you have to address who you are dealing with and what motives are at play. You have created this experience for yourself to test your boundaries.
Temperance: Half Man Half Woman
Empress: My Mother My Mirror
A carnival mirror of inherited self images.
"Alice had her looking glass, the Evil Queen spoke to the magic mirror on the wall and J.K. Rowling explored the Mirror of Erised in her Harry Potter novels. What did they have in common? All of these mirrors represented distortions of mothers and the offspring who gazed upon them.
But the carnival mirror can be smashed and replaced with a glass that reflects a truer self. Dr. Arens-Fuerstein helps readers to identify the distortions, confront their source, safely feel the emotions they stir, and move beyond them to better understand the mother who generated the image (usually without awareness) helping the daughter to let it go and avoid passing it on
Examples include such famous mother/daughter pairs as:
-Little Girl Mother and Mini Momma Daughter (Judy Garland)
-Jealous Queen Mother and Snow White Daughter (Jacqueline Onassis)
-Stage Mother and Show Girl Daughter (Natalie Wood)
-Out-at-Sea Mother and Adrift Daughter (Princess Diana)
-Spirit-Dampening Mother and Spirit-Dampened Daughter (Eleanor Roosevelt)
These carnival mirror images often lead to eating disorders, body image and sexual problems, parenting and relationship issues.
The five thought links help readers move past unhealthy inherited self-perceptions.
Separating mother and daughter self-images.
Uncovering hidden anger at the childhood mother, often based on viewing her inaccurately.
Uncovering hidden love for the childhood mother that might be unexpressed due to fear of disappointment.
Uncovering hidden sadness related to the childhood mother from either physical or emotional absence.
Blending the earlier thought links to create a truer self-image."
Queen of Cups
Lovers: Short Man Tall Woman. Superficality. Choice. UNconditional love.
Three of Pentacles: The Glass blower.
Knight of Pentacles
The strongman in chains dragging a huge pentacles through the dirt. Beefy dumbass. No spirituality, no ideas, no emotions, brute force/strength Taurus.
Two of Pentacles
Four of Pentacles
Strength: The Snake Charmer
Strength: a vulumptuous tattooed woman holds a yellow white almbino python wound around her body. She is in control. The snake could easily squish the life out of her but she has serpentine energy under control. Her sexual energy easily succombs the beast.
Two of Swords: The woman trapped in the box is under the spell of the illusionist. She actually believes she is being cut in half. She is blindfolded to the Truth. Moon in Libra represents the darkness that has clouded her perceptions. Divided she agonizes over the pain that she has convinced herself that she is feeling. (In the box her legs will be tucked up in the front half... the other half empty) All she has to do is take off the blindfold and see that she is whole and that is is all in her head and get out of the box. As she lays there seemingly helpless she is confused by the situation. Does she try to fight free? Or does she succumb to the fear? It is a matter of the mind. Our subconscious is in conflict. Balance is required. This is when you are required to open your heart. The knowingness of your heart knows the Truth. (woman is in hysterics/mania in box)
Two of Swords: Siamese Twins
The Sun: The rock in BeCool. Fire blower. Headdress?? Simoin??? Force... heat, fire, leo.

Five of Pentacles
The World
Above the crows a woman dangles above from her ring. She is in complete control. The crowd may think it is chaotic but she is on point. She in fully aware of her body and the environment around her. She spins effortlessly as she is connected to all that is. She has trained her Mind... her Body... and allows Spirit to flow effortlessly. An accumulation of all the hard work she has put into her routine.
Nine of Swords
Seven of Cups