Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dammit Why Dont I Trust Myself

So yesterday I went to my Mother In Laws house because today she is getting her ankle fused today. A real intense surgery that will leave her laid up for 8-10 weeks. Eek. She, of course, was nervous and scared.

I asked her to pull out her Angel Oracle deck (Doreen Virtue). As I was looking through the book, I saw "You are Safe" and thought to myself... she is going to pull this card. Sure enough, she shuffled and spread them out and one card poked up and she said, "well this one wants me to pick it" and voila... it was that card.

I told her what I thought, but if I would have just said it out loud... she would have been able to feel the magic... to really KNOW that the angels wanted her to know she was safe... damn me for doubting myself... when am I going to learn?

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