Thursday, February 23, 2012

Law of Attraction Tarot

I can always tell when I have resonated with a deck. It's when I can get a full reading from them for myself. All the cards make speak to me in their positions to create a whole picture. This spread was the one.

This spread is a modified Celtic Cross. It has recently been working very well for me. Right off the bat I see this beautiful lady walking confidently and the Professor that immediately make me think of me and my husband. The places we both are trying to achieve. Can I just say I think we are both doing a fabulous job doing this.

I've been pulling Death, Tower, and Judgement a lot the last two days. Death maybe two days ago. Tower yesterday. Amazing though it wasn't the whole dramatic show I think one expects in these cards. I am now at a level where I can get out of the house and watch it burn and die.

I particularly liked the Seven of Cups from my spread. It's reflections radiate not only on the hand but on the surrounding environment as well.

As we see here:

It states to me: "You're probably a hedonist wihout complexes, and thus refuse the appeals of society, only pretending to conform and only if you feel like it."

Yup that's me. And that is also me up in the Top Left snoking away in worry. Worry, Worry, Worry those were yesterday's worries workingthemselves out today.
Love this deck.

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