Saturday, November 12, 2011


I need to vent.

That being said, please dont be offended by anything that is said here.

Opinions are like assholes... everyone has them and they all stink.

Since I made the decision to go public with my Tarot readings I have started networking with other readers. This has been so amazing. I have gotton to know other people with my similar interests in the field.

As you may know if you have been following me is that I like to use the Tarot as a tool for counseling. Not really a fortune telling gimmick. This is my personnal preference.

The reason I like the Tarot and Psychology is because it is all objective. Or subjective.

Difference Between Objective and Subjective

The Tarot, to me is like a rorschach test. You see what you need to see. There is no right or wrong... it just "is".

Since I have started networking I have joined groups with people who have made a successful career out of reading the Tarot. I looked up to them. I found it amazing that not only were they able to make money doing it, but where successful in it. That is where I wanted to be.

I love Tarot/Psychology because there are no limits. There is so much freedom in it to develop your own personnal style. There are no rules and all that matters is the connections.  But I find myself becoming frustrated with some of these people.

One person said that an idea was "naiive" another simply said, "I disagree with your interpretation".

I was put off by this. I wanted to network with people so I could bring my ideas to the table and discuss them with others that have put forth their time and energy into Tarot. I wanted to grow from others and hope they walked away feeling the same.

To say such bold statements only create seperation. They close the door on expansion and growth. And to be honest, it pisses people off.  The purpose is to find our unity amongst our individuality.

I still dont understand how someone could be in this field and believe there is a right or wrong way of doing things. No way is better. Whether you are psychiatrist, psychologist, Tarot reader, or any other field of healing you should not draw such limitations in the sand.

When I worked as a floral designer I had the best boss in the world. She said we were "mini psychologists". Think about it... flowers = feelings. Birthdays, love, death, I'm sorry... etc. They are the physical manifestations of our internal expression of feelings.

The one thing that I feel is universal with healing is the willingness to be healed. That's it... love does the rest. Sure I may be a vessel to which that love works through but it is not because of my knowledge or will. It is my willingness to allow love to do the work through me.

When someone has the willingness to be healed you dont need a certificate, education, or occult knowledge to do so... all you need is a willing heart.

I know nothing. That is my mantra. I know nothing and I know no one. I am no expert at anything.  I am a student of life with every breathe I take.

Sure I like to learn. I read books. I collect ideas. I share my thoughts and feelings with others. I honor other people's processes. I am a thinker and I like the feeling of my mind being blown. I often keep myself in a state of utter confusion. But at the end of the day, I surrender all that I think I know and give thanks for another day of trying to figure it all out.

I have not been given the answer to the question that always burns in my heart, "Where do I belong?"

I know I am still "a work in progress". I am starting to just enjoy the journey and not worry so much about the destination.

I have gotten to the point when I listen to people debate and express their opinions and I tend to want to just get up and walk away... because I dont even care anymore. Dont get me wrong I love exchanging stories. But thats all they are... stories.

I'll listen to your stories... but I refuse to listen to your opinions. You want to debate... then you are right and I am wrong.

I could look at those 78 cards over and over a million times and see something new each and every time.

Thats what I love about them. You can explain to me ten different ways the universe works and I will smile and agree. But I no longer care "how" it works... I am just happy I am here. To enjoy the relationships that I make. To laugh, to love.... to eat ice cream and fart. To make love and have sex... to double bounce on a trampoline and to take long hot showers.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's sad to see people address *anything* creative in a sterile or mechanistic way, but I think it's *particularly* sad when people do that with Tarot because it's such an unbelievably rich tool that works on so many levels. Why the hell would anyone *want* a card to have only one right answer? Surely we all will the possibilities to be endless?

    Just out of interest, where have you been encountering these attitudes?

    (email me if you'd rather not say here..)
