Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spread Work April 30, 2013

Cuprite's appearance in your cards is signaling you to invoke the power of the female aspect of your nature. The answers that you seek lie within your own deepest self. 

Make the time to find them by moving inward through meditation and solitude. Open yourself to the mysteries of the universe, and to the void where all potential exists.

The appearance of this ally is signaling a "Moon time", a time of retreat and seclusion, from which you will gain the insight and strength you need to move forward on your journey. It is time to trust the unseen forces that are at work in your life.

By moving within, you encourage your inner self to speak and to share with you the secrets of your hidden path. 

Mystically it is used to recall and examine past life experiences. It has been historically said to help heal one's relationship with their father. Cuprite is used to discourage worry, especially those worries which we have little or no control over.  It allows one to understand that worry is essentially a waste of energy

Chakras: Earthstar and Root chakra 
Affirmation: I am the source of creation.

It is very challenging for me to write today's spread for some reason. Well I know why, I really just want to blow off work and just vedge around the house. But I made a commitment to myself and I good to my word. I have mastered my passions and now know that I am suppose to communicate myself. Although... I feel I don't want to at the same time. 

So I am just doing it. So I stop worrying about it. 

I made a commitment in the Page of Pentacles and I need to show up. 

I can't hide under the table like this guy in this Ten of Pentacles. I had such a beautiful night last night. My hubby made a fire and we sat and watched the kids run around with the dog in the yard. It was bliss. A huge part of me wants to stay selfish and just live my Hermit life and forget about everyone else... pretend that it doesn't matter. 

But the Truth is I can make a difference. And if I don't even try it goes against everything I believe in. It would be a slap in the face to the Universe for everything I have been gifted. 

The strong hand of fate has blew into my life. The Five of Cups is about me trusting in the possibilities of the opportunities I cannot see. I am so small. But I have friends everywhere.

My mind has given way to a new reality with the Ten of Swords and the Ace of Swords. It is like a whole new world. I have a friend who survived a wicked car accident. When she awoke she said that the world looked so different. She exclaimed, "I have been alive for 40 years I know what the color of grass looked liked... and the sky..."

She now sees with new eyes. Did the world really change? Did it change with her? The only thing we can be certain of is she did. 

The Four of Cups and the Start point to what I have been thinking about. I've been thinking about the future. A lot. Really trying to figure out what it is I really want. I suppose I could sell myself out as a fortune teller and read for chips the rest of my life. That would suffice. But no I want something bigger. 

The Four of Pentacles and the Ten of Pentacles comes up. I don't want to have to settle. I don't care how long it takes. The Knight of Pentacles... with The Sun, Mars, and Venus in Taurus. We will fight for what we love. And Taurus is persistent. 

Do I feel like a Fool? Yes... yes I do. But I suppose everyone who has ever done anything worth doing has to stretch outside their comfort zone and be willing to risk looking stupid... and failing... or being wrong. At least we are doing something. At least we are creating. 

I really like this Seven of Cups... the dead woman sits beside a pond and gazes at her reflection. What will comes of me now? Now that I have been stripped of all that I am? I suppose now I am so bare... that now I can become anything... 

The Five of Wands comes up... Which so happens to be my daily card on my blog here (I peeked). Remember Fives are about love. It is about that Fifth element. After the stability of the Four a fifth element gets thrown in and causes a reaction. Not good not bad... but surprising. It is when life force... vital energy is added. 

"Oxygen is simply an earthly element. However, within this earthly
element of oxygen is contained the Aether. And it is this Spiritual Essence of Aether, contained within
the physical element of oxygen, which gives us life and enables us
to function and interact here in the material realm. With each
breath we take, we are inhaling both oxygen and Aether.

I have been marathoning Ramsey's Hell's Kitchen on Netflix. He refers to the room when the flow of all the planes of Spirit, Mind, Heart, Body, and Aether all are working together in harmony the "buzz".

It is that "buzz" that he strives for. That is when we know things are working. That we are in the flow and everything around us is communicating with us. 

The Death card comes up again to remind me that I did just go through an intense Death process and that I have to be gentle with myself. And allow myself to heal in the ways I need to in my own time. 

The Six of Wands reminds me that the concept of success is ego created trap. Even when we do encounter such feelings of "success" they are short lived. And new desires emerge. And it starts all over again. Success is not something we get it is about pride we have in ourselves. What do you have to be proud of?

I have an awful lot to be proud of. I am happy and complete now. But I must still continue to help other people... because it is my duty as a human. Not because I want success. 

The Ace of Pentacles above is so beautiful. I love the colors of this deck. They have a very earthly surreal look to them. Muddy and desperate. But this deck is a wonderful ally when wanting to understand your emotions more. And the dramas that arise from them. 

The Six of Cups from this deck shows a little girl reaching out to a bear. I am not trying to shove myself down anyone's throats... yet I am not intimidated by anyone either. You are welcome to be my friend. 

The Booklet reads, "Stepping outside the confines of social structure, we can find ways to connect with others. These others may be ones we normally overlook. The ways we connect certainly do surprise us."

I have a friend in New York that texts me good morning everyday. I have a best friend in Canada and we are always there for each other. I have met the most amazing people on this Tarot journey of mine. And I am so excited to watch it grow even more. 

The Emperor. Geez. Healing the Father. I just underwent a major overhaul on my feminine energies and right back to dad to balance it out. The Knight of Cups... The Wave. The Movement. The Love. Neptune in Pisces is doing its work on me. 

I have found the cure for my divided mind. You know they say that when students study psychology they think they have everything in the book. This is true... because I think a real good doctor understands what people go through. It creates resonance and empathy. We are experienced. I think of Dr. Drew my hero. OMG I LOVE THAT MAN SO MUCH. I want to eat him. 

I am in the flow... the Six of Pentacles... that you get what you give... only if you are willing to receive. And baby... I'm ready to receive. Big time. Because I have done the work. In the Six of Wands. I won. 

The Queen of Swords. I see clearly. The Knight of Swords shows that I now know how to wield that power. The Ace of Swords. The power of the mind. It is beautiful... and amazing. Magical and exciting. Tarot really did teach me a lot about how my brain works. How my entire body works. 

The Chariot. I wonder what it is that will be created from this. It is just so much bigger than us. We are just pawns. Well... I know I am not a pawn... then I very well must be a Knight. 

"The knight is the most unique chess piece you have!  Not only does it usually resemble a horse, it is the only chess piece that can jump over another chess piece or pieces according to chess rules.  The knight's move is rather different.  Think of the move as "L" shaped - two squares either forward, backward, left, or right and then left or right one square.  This special feature, being able to jump, can make the knight a very useful chess piece early in the game."

Being able to JUMP can make someone very useful in a game a chess. 

I suppose you could say that Knights DEFY the laws of the game. 

Although I feel stuck right now.. in the Two of Swords... I cannot see what those opportunities are... I know they are there. I just need to JUMP (The Fool) and trust (The Empress).

The Chariot holds the reigns of the Emperor and the Empress. Conscious masculine and the conscious feminine. We are in control. We are steering the ship. We can choose whether or not to keep the course... that right there is free will. 

The Three of Pentacles comes up. It is about my life's work. It is not just the daily grind. It is my passion made manifest. Mind Body and Spirit. Not just working for the money. The Four of Pentacles again showing that I am about to receive in a very big way. All because of the work I have done this month with the Sun card. The Sun is the center of the Universe and it is reflected in my soul. 

The Five of Cups comes up. Tarot is hitting me hard with these Fives. Remember!!! Fives are about love!!! There is opportunity lying within the rumble of the Tower and Death. New growth is sprouting from the ruin. 

The Tower!!! Oh woah is me... the Tower. I love this card. I have such a deep understanding of the Universe that this card always want I want in my life. Excitement!!! Change. 


Embrace it!!!

I drew up the Tower again over the Five of Cups. Driving home its point. That any catastrophe on the outside is only going to drive us inward. To find our security inside ourselves. Because the Truth is THERE IS NO SECURITY. It does not exist. 


How do you like them apples?

It is tough for the ego to chew. Especially when our entire external world does nothing but try to provide us with a false sense of security. Some are defined by clothes, some by their car, their job, their stocks, their retirement, flipping the tassels on their floor rug in the living room at 2 am in the morning. 

To each their own. They are all desperate attempts to find some sort of feeling of safety. These behaviors, these patterns, these constructs we build for ourselves can sometimes turn on us. When we begin to grow beyond their comfort. They then start to stunt our growth. 

Everyone is all so afraid of Tarot. I am beyond trying to defend myself. I have come to the comfortable conclusion that I will not punish myself for other people's stupidity. I will not censor or suppress myself for your delicate sensibilities. I am happy. I got that way from these 78 cards. It was my way. So it may not be your way... but you are not me. 

The Devil. 

I read a WatchTower magazine one time. It had the Tower, the Devil, and Death on there and it said how they were the Devil doings. Let's let the Devil speak for himself. 

The Hierophant. The Devil is sad that religion has made him look like the bad guy. Pagan are the only ones that understand him. He knows his image changes over the civilizations that have come and gone and he had his place in each of them. But he wishes that people will get over it all already and start using him to create wonderful things instead of being scared of him... and living in destitution.

Then the religions put the blame on him!!! He works with desire... he does not tell you WHAT to desire. That's all you. If you feel it isn't like it is something outside of yourself controlling you... wake up... it is still you... you chose to divide your consciousness from that aspect of yourself and until you own it... it will never release its grip on you. 

Since the Devil is the master shapeshifter I figured we would pull an Oracle card on him. 

Albino Alligator:

"At this time you are more vulnerable than ever before. You are as a child, a babe, and you are so fragile. I say this not to alarm you, or to instill in you a belief in weakness, for you will grow strong in time. But for now, I will protect you. Perhaps she is a result of shifting DNA and genes. 

Like a newborn babe who is fresh from the sea of the womb to the world of breathe and air we feel overwhelmed from re-birthing ourselves. We need mentors to assist us in moving into a world we suddenly can hear and feel without becoming overwhelmed or rushing back to a familiar less sensitive state, because it seems falsely safe. 

We need guidance, protection, and companionship from those whose senses are refined, honed and blade-sharp- and who are fearless in their use!!!

This card signifies fierce protection surrounding you. It says... have no fear"

When we have the protection of the invisible world... nothing in the physical world can touch us. There is nothing to fear... but fear itself. 

Be The Change You Want to See In the World

Astrology Reading April 30th 2013

Venus, Mars and the Sun gather in Taurus right now. These are very very powerful planets. Taurus is about the things we "have".

Taurus is sensual, patient, and persistent. They stop and smell the roses... they live in the present moment in the Six of Cups...

They love decadence and things that I call "pretties"... my pretties... I love them all. It is about appreciation...

With these planets in Taurus expect to fight for what you love. Although Mars does bring some aggressiveness to the equation... Venus makes a smoothing motion as the Sun brings the light.

Pluto is working with Mars to dig it all up...

Neptune brings a bit of dreaminess to it all.

I always think that the 60's must have felt just like this. The last time Neptune was in Pisces.

Remember, with Neptune in Pisces nothing is quite as it seems.....

Dream Time in Real Time.

"When large groups of individuals have a strong desire to experience that which will help them rise above the mundane day to day challenges, who have been exposed to a radical shifting of life priorities, and which they did not sign up for, leaders and teachers manifest out of the collective, and become those whom the masses project their hopes, ideals, and wishes upon, for they appear to 'know' the way.  The 60's were no exception.

1960's Counterculture Movement

Radical counterculture thinkers stepped forward to lead the way to freedom, such as Ram Dass, Timothy Leary, Allen Ginsberg and Women's Liberation Leader, Betty Friedan.  Bob Dylan and Joan Baez sang their anti-war music and the Beatles assuring us, All You Need is Love."


I guess Jupiter being in Gemini and expanding us. Making us more adaptable. We are curious... looking for new logical ideas.

Mercury and Uranus are still in Aries in the house of friendships. I think now that we have spent our learning time alone... it is safe to come out of our shell a little.

The Moon in the Capricorn in the 8th house of reincarnation trines Venus, squares Uranus, in conjunction to Pluto.

"I use the process of Death to as an aid to my own self mastery."

Monday, April 29, 2013

Daily Spread Work April 29th 2013

Crown Chakra, Presence, Self-Expression
I have taken a break, cleared some space, and now I am re-born with a great idea... There is a loop in every hole.

Six of Cups... the Universe has taught me to delve deeply into the present moment. Love. Union. Melding my spiritual and physical life. I have the perfect little happy family and a beautiful home to start my life at. Gifts from the Heaven.

I have clarity... and I am no longer afraid to express myself. I will continue to be aggressive with my ideas and my spirituality. Simply because it makes me happy.

I have the rest of my life to create fun stuff to work on. The Eight of Pentacles. I can be as picky and precise about it as I want. Because it is my life. Meticulous... refining every detail.

The Four of Wands shows how my spirituality is able to be grounded into reality. A benchmark. A celebration is called for. Today is my Middle Daughters Birthday... she is THREE BIG GIRL TODAY!!!
I bought a bubble machine and some Smore makings. We will celebrate it around the Fire tonight with Bubbles...

It is a celebration all around for our family tonight.

Subconsciously I am heading to better ground now. Focused... aware. Grounded. I am on my way... on the path. I am a Tarot reader... this is my life. The Five of Wands comes up. Most of my decsks show this card as competition and fighting. Spiritual Warefare... but Fives are about love remember?

I don't very care much what people think about me anymore. I have pretty much everything I want. No one can take it away from me. Sometimes preparation meets opportunity. When all the work that has been done is set up all around... then one simple gesture and it all falls into place.

The Queen and Four of Pentacles show the solidity of the work I have done... inside and out. All I need to do is keep focus on the Ten of Pentacles and nurture my Subconscious with the Moon... and feel what I want into existence with every choice I make. Because now... I am a master at my own emotions. The tides are nothing to be afriad of but worked with. I draw wisdom from my emotions. I can teach from my experiences.

Peace of mind is always a great accomplishment. I always say... Tarot is for Clarity in Moments of Confusion. I have a solid structure to which to build. I am in touch with the source from which to create. I understand the ins and outs of the Universe. Again... the King of Cups comes up to say... you finally got that handle you where searching for.

Funny my monthly spread had the Sun for this month... and it sure wasn't messing around. This has been a POWERFUL month for me.

I am more confident, independent... I have found my own authority and have owned all my power. It took the power of my mind, the Tower and the Hanged Man to get me through it.

I asked for help from the Universe and I got what I needed in return. It was shocking and catastrophic but I accepted the change from a surrendered position. Now I have a new persepective on things.

Death... the World. It killed me... but it is a small price to pay for the World.

The Queen of Cups. Now I am free to be the loving mother I always wanted to be. Ten of Swords. I am no longer scared. It is done.

Six of Swords... from Death comes re-birth... a new world is on the horizon.

The Knight of Swords... now the mental plane is able to flow interrupted by a divided mind... but whole and turned on.

The Five of Pentacles comes up... The image looks so bleak and miserable. But Fives are of Love!!! Love of the material world. Love of the Earth. Love of Money. Just to drive my point home I drew another card over it...


Perfect. No other card in all these decks... all 78 card per deck couldn't have delivered a more direct message. Balance. It is all about balance.

I am really excited. Life is amazing. I win.

Psychic Surgery

Psychic Surgery

The suit of Swords represents the Mind. Thoughts have a lot of energy. But that energy comes from the heart. It is how we FEEL about the thoughts that matter.

Literally - Matter.

A thought pattern can be difficult to change especially when we have so much attachment to them. Some thought structures are easier to re-route, re-build, or destroy altogether than others. Depending on how much of our reality depends on that thought form to exist.

Everyone has an opportunity to re-wire the structure of their realities every moment of everyday. But change first has to come from the invisible realms... spirit and thought before it can ever change Matter.

Invisible realms are either completely over looked, not taken seriously or scare people. But their existence cannot be denied.

Our brains are programmed to operate in a certain way. Whether by other people (which is the norm) or by ourselves (which is my preference).

There is a lot of conditioning that needs to be acknowledged and released.

Every individual is responsible for this on a Micro level... if everyone does their part then you will see the change on a Macro level.

My aim is not to offend people... but to educate them.

I am being forced to communicate myself more. We all are. To share what we know. Everyone one of us is good at something... and this is the time to come together and share. So compare and share our differences to find the common ground to which we all walk.

This is the information age. The Age of Aquarius is now. It is change... fast forward progression with the procession of the equinoxes. Adapt or die.

Evolve and Change... or get lost in the wake.

The Hierophant and the High Priestess

The Hierophant/The High Priestess

Ask and You Shall Receive

Earth Energies
Dark Spots of the Subconscious Mind
The Void

If this picture offends you, scares you, intimidates you, or stirs up any unpleasant feelings in you... goes against anything you believe in...  or is overall unsettling to you...

I suggest one of two things....

One: Stick around and Learn.

Two: Unlike My Page

I prefer option two... because it saves us both a lot of trouble.

I am making a commitment to try to not post anything that will get me reported... it will be challenging for me.

I know that Right and Wrong do not exist. I work with the human condition. All parts. Not just the ones that make us feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Life is messy... dirty.... unforgiving and relentless.

It's a dirty job but someone has to do it.

I am not afraid of the raw deep dark places of the Soul... because I have been there... Everyone has a Devil and it takes many forms.

We are all addicted to something... It is part of being human. But when we continue to strive to make light of our darkness. To make conscious of our unconscious spots...

We win.

Friday, April 26, 2013

My Favorite Lovers Card

The Hung Woman ~ Goddess of the Dawn

Liiga's Deviant Art

Southern Star How I'd Wish You Would Shine


Page of Hazards: Responsible, Determination, New Beginnings

"The Page of Hazards is too cute to resist- plus, he's giving out killer stock tips. His arrival in the spread is a clue to a new beginning; look for opportunities involving money or education."

Money isn't so bad when you understand what it is. And most of the issue stems from our own unworthiness.

Money isn't about cost. IT IS ABOUT VALUE.

When you value what you are getting... money is no object.

When you love what money buys you... you learn to love it.

Most people are afraid of it.

The Lovers card comes up to validate the theory. The relationship that we have with money stinks.

"Decisions, decisions... where do you start? The head or the heart?"

Duality in motion.

But you must make up your mind before moving on to the next stage.

Tis true. The lessons that we have been learning... when it comes down to it a choice has to be made. To follow our head or our heart.

That is what the Lovers card is all about. Having the duality... and choosing a third concept.

Seven of Hazards: Patience, Gain, Progress

"The test subjects and your persistence will soon pay off. Through careful planning, you'll soon reach the light at the end of the tunnel."

This sure has been a long damn tunnel. But... it had to be long enough to kill you as you held your breathe.

Judgement. Acceptance of responsibility. Understanding that we create our own reality does come with its responsibility but we are ready to put that knowledge to good use.

Two Queens... of Wands and Swords. Inspirational and powerful... but deadly.

These two bitches are waiting for you out in the alley after you leave work today... waiting to set you on fire and shoot you in the head.

You are a Star.

Recognition, Inspiration, Achievement...

"You are on the right track for important things in life while good luck and a fresh attitude bring new opportunities. Take a minute to revel in your accomplishments and then move on to the next level of awesome."

"Be the person of inspiration and guidance while scraping zombie goo off your shoes...."

It reminds me of the Haunted Girl we pulled earlier. Faceless people all around us.

Ten of Wands is always about overload to me. The Truth is I do everything passionately. Whether it be my kids, my creative en devours, or work. As you can see in the picture my little Wylee Bear is helping me read my cards. He bounces his Stitch doll on my cards... about ten seconds later he messed up my spread. Because he could.

Our family has had so many changes over the last five years it is not even funny lol. But we got through it. And we are home. And we are finding out rhythms.

It feels really good.

The World. We have the kind of happiness that has its own little world. The couple clutch each other in a passionate embrace as the world is coming to an end above them. They don't care... they have everything they need right there...

Have you ever seen a Blast from the Past? That movie just kills me. I suppose with this shift we all did this. Went inside and let the World come to and end out there. But sooner or later... we need to come back to the surface again... and embrace the new world.

The Two of Hazards and the Ace of Swords show that we are ready to move forward with our new clarity... but we will feel like a dog with three legs. A new born baby wobbling to get its legs.

Or as in this picture a freaky looking skullfaced thing being led by the monster that created us.

We are what we are. We are who we are.

The Eight of Wands: Travel, Expansion, On the Move

"Faster than you can say... well, most anything, since you've lost your tongue, you've been presented with a new opportunity. Travel is imminent, so choose a path to stagger along and enjoy the occasional human morsel as you go. If you take charge... others will follow your lead. Trust it... and roll with it. Good news is coming. Brace yourself for Awesome."

Death. Thank Death for all of this.

The Empress waves as she holds her child. Honey... don't fret. You can be both the King of Pentacles and a fantastic Mom too. It is easily done... with Grace. 

Four Winds Spread The Joker and the Green Witch

Winds from the North: Knight of Swords

Wild Cherry Bark- Expectorant, Astringent, Antispasmodic for coughs. Bronchial and Lung ailments. 

"The Arch Defender of Truth. Wiling to risk and suffer all for the sake of honesty and righteousness. Idealism. Bravery. Elimination of all excess and unclarity"

Blue Lace Agate: Communication, Clarity, and Confidence


"I communicate my ideas with clarity, conviction, and irresistible eloquence."

Heed this Wind's Mighty Gale

The Moon: The Moon's pull casts its powerful influence over the city, controlling minds like a puppeteer. The Moon has the power to brain wash... it has its dark influence. Trickery, Illusion, Subconscious Control.

Winds from the South: Suspended Man

Kelp- Neptune, God of the Sea. Kelp stimulates the thyroid and metabolism.

"Hardening towards life. Lack of compassion, hardness and callousness in dealing with others. Finding one's own way. Returning to the source. Initiation. Spiritual breakthroughs, inner commitment."

Rose Quartz and Amethyst: Love and Healing

Water/Heart/Wind/Third Eye

"I am purified, uplifted and protected in my connection to the Divine and I open my heart to receive and energy the energy of love."

When the Winds come From the South... Love will come and Kiss you on the Mouth.

Eight of Cups: The woman has abandoned her old ways. For they are no longer relevant to her life. Wanting no part of the past she moves onto new and brighter situations.

Winds from the West: Four of Wands

Fennel Seed- Digestion, Gas and Congestion.

"Agreement, relief, satisfaction, of all parties involved. A balancing of opposing spirit and wills."

Celestite: Angelic Communication

Wind/Crown/Third Eye

"Connection with the Divine Source. Calms and centers the emotional body. Helps one feel safe and protected to be able to overcome fear, suspicion, or paranoia. Connecting to angelic guides."

When the Moor wind blows from the West,
departed spirits have no rest.

Two of Cups:

"Midnight has been tempted by Death and a pact has been made between the two Lovers. Raising two cups, they toast the bond of their union."

Coming together. Harmony. Love. Partnership.

Winds of the East: Nine of Pentacles

Dark Grapes- Nutrition, Diuretic, the root is used for all chronic and acute liver disorders and blood purification.

"A youthful, acquisitive person seeking wealth, material fortune and success"

Blooodstone: Strength Courage Purification Vitality


"Bloodstone is the great purifier, a healing tool for dispelling negative influences from the auric field and bringing balance. It is known as the noble sacrifice. For those who are called to give of themselves for the good of the community."

When the wind blows from the East,
expect the new and set the feast.

The King of Cups:

"Artistic, Creative, Leadership, Free Thinking, Businessman."

"The insightful king stand proudly on a sand dune. His kingdom by the sea has benefited from his intuitive leadership and creativity. A trading vessel sails across the horizon as a spiritual star shines upon its earthly counterpart."

Oh an I just put the Six of Wands because this is my favorite card in the whole wide world.

Spell Work For My Hubby

I did this spell the morning my hubby had to go test for his job. I gave him my purple flourite and my celestite to take with him. This is as far in the application process as we have ever gotten.  We are still waiting to hear from them. So I am posting this here... so that maybe you guys will feed more energy to it. 

*Fingers Crossed Nose Like A Bunny*

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spread Work April 25th 2013

I love it and hate it when I pull the Magician on the first draw. I love it becomes it makes me feel in control... but I also hate it because it forces me to take full responsibility for everything. I dropped a lot of emotional baggage. I walked away from a very intense relationship. In all honesty I am burnt out. I have spent the last few days laying around with my kids doing nothing. Just today I am starting to catch up on the laundry.

I love this Nine of Cups from the Deviant Moon deck. "A young man wonders in amazement at the apparition set loose before him. The genie bestows a wish upon him... within a ring of mystical energy."

Material Success, Over-all Well being, Abundant Pleasures, Choices

The Genie are from the Djinn... in this Mystical Lore they are considered the demons that are created through our subconscious sacral chakra and attack our backs through the solar plexus. But Genie also English borrowed a lot of words from Latin. Genius was one of them. Genii is the correct form of the Latin plural. Which, when anglicized, is geniuses.

I suppose this makes a lot of sense when you think about artists having tortured souls. Whatever these energetic creations are we know all about the whole angel and demon dogma. I suppose the line that is drawn in the sand between the two blurs through the eyes of Art.

People see what they want to see, hear what they want to hear, and do what they want to do. Despite your judgement. Or actions to change them.

This Nine of Cups again puts us in the hot seat... we are responsible for everything now. Every choice is an act of creation.

"Seven Cups are positioned in the artist's studio, where he struggles to depict them on canvas. Relying on his subconscious, rather than reality, he interprets his subject with imagination and skill."

People in nut houses experience the things that I experience. But I can handle it. They can't. I am not scared anymore. I am so filled with energy now it is going beyond me. Manifesting in front of me. It's crazy you know... how one day you can be watching Harry Potter wishing in your heart that the world was real...

And then it becomes real.

I suppose people who are trapped on the physical realm of the mundane would not and could not ever understand. They choose not to see.

In one of my earlier enlightening moments when I was younger I stood by my neighbor and watched him water his plants. He was one of the very few people I felt comfortable just being with without the pressure to talk. He was such a loving man. It was palpable. You could feel it come from him.

"Do you see what I see?" he asked?

At the time I was confused to why he was singing a Christmas song in the middle of the summer. But I understand now.

I feel resistance right now reading this spread. The Knight of Swords/King of Cups/and the King of Wands want me to express my feelings... no matter how powerful. But the Truth is even I am scared to. We are all afraid of rejection. It has kept us all away from really ever knowing anyone.

And why should we? When all we do is get judged. But in the end we are in charge of our own well being. No one can take that away from us without our say so. I suppose with the Sun in Taurus we could all grow thicker skin. If everyone has been doing well on their shadow work.... you won't have to feel like you need to hide it anymore. Because you own it. You accept the dark spots of yourself. You have been weighed... and measured and have been found wanting.

I feel like a lot of us feel this way. But the cards promise that soon rewards will be coming. The Ace of Pentacles/The Moon and the Ten of Swords... The scales of Justice has been re-set with your Death. And now a new reality emerges.


Inner... Outer... Balance.

The Lovers. The Seen and the Unseen world become one.


The Devil from the Aquarian Tarot is the old world Devil. He is the master of all the demons. He lives in the underworld... never go there!!! It is HOT!!! And when you die not having accepted the murder of a man who did what you are capable of then you will be sent straight here... to Hell.

Come on... who really believes that old crap anymore??? It is poison. It makes NO SENSE. Yet that nonsense is more acceptable than this:

This is what I got shot after shot trying to take a picture of my spread for this blog. Just look at all that energy? That beautiful luscious energy. And it is free. Doesn't cost a dime. My body is designed to do it. Sure Jesus may have been one of the first... but don't Fool yourself into thinking he was the only and last.  

Another Devil is laid above. He is power. Earth. Sex. Everything on Earth is about Sex... except Sex... THAT is about Power. 

I am no longer mentally divided on the subject. I no longer feel the need to argue... only teach those who want to learn. Because I have found my true security. Our own inner authority. Where true power comes from. 

We can see that clearly now. 

The High Priestess is laid over the Ace of Swords. I was told by a sixteen year old Mormon missionary that only men could hold the Priesthood. That pissed me off. No one knows more about the Dark Inner Feminine than a Woman you dumbass. Don't you tell me that only men hold the Priesthood. 

I hold the Priesthood.

So should everyone else. 

And they shouldn't have to pay their way into it. I had a fan on my page today asking me this exact same question about charging for my readings. Completely overlooking the fact that I offer daily knowledge everyday on my page that I do for free. 

I can only give so much. I can only DO so much. That is why I am currently burnt the fuck out. I feel like a blob of goo. The Full Moon is tonight.... Trying to hold on to the processes of both the LIBRA and SCORPIO Full Moon... and a partial Eclipse. 

If tonight is not a powerful night of change I don't know what is. Life is constantly offering up opportunities for initiation... one must only look for them. 

The Two of Pentacles says... stay open... stay flexible. Reality is bending and you just have to bend with it. Because there is no spoon. The Ten of Swords comes up AGAIN... all this knowledge you have? Now just let it all go. 

Are you kidding me? I spent 7 years learning this crap and now you want me to let it all go?!



Because if you do... The Nine of Cups comes up again... emotional fulfillment. Everything good in life. All those good feelings. Pleasure. Abundance. It all flows from here. Oh the things we do for love. 

The messy drama is behind me. For now. It is time for some space clearing time. Sage... cleanse... clearing the mind... meditate. 

The two witchy twins mirror each other. Much like the Lovers card. They have cones on their heads... Dunce hats were used to help stupid people channel more energy through their heads. Pretty funny when you think about it. 

We all need a little time... just us and the Universe. Because we can now hear it loud and clear. 

The Dinosaur Friends cards reminds me of the Six of Cups. Freezing moments in time. Capturing the moment. We read these words all the time, "Be Present", be here... NOW!!!!

It is about slowing down time. And it can be done. It is done every time I do a reading. Time feels like it stands still for those moments. And then a choice is made... and then dimensions collapse upon each other again and everyone goes about their linear experience. 

I am going to continue to do nothing. And rest easy. And take care of my body... with a nice bubble bath. I am going to let myself off the hook for today and not think anymore for the rest of the day. 

Perhaps if I allow myself the break I need... when I come back to work solutions will be clearer. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Daily Spread Work April 22, 2013

I have been through the wringer. Now a little stronger and a little Sparklyer. This cycle was a powerful one for me. It had to be done and I am better for it. Improving my skills. Going through the process so I can help others through it. 

What a Doozy. My Lilith in Pisces makes me prone to mental breakdowns but this one was gigantic. David and Goliath. I have a new respect for the Wheel of Fortune now. I consider it the hand of fate. I was driven by it. I asked for it and I got what I needed. 

Ten of Cups. Emotional Stability. Bam. 

It wasn't easy walking away from such a negative attachment. Because it was my own mother. But by dropping the unhealthy relationship with her I embraced the entire Divine Feminine. 

And I rise stronger, wiser, and more comfortable with my emotions.  No longer are these unconscious emotions unconsciously driving me. I requested them to be brought to light and they were. 

I have found peace. The Six of Pentacles: "Real and Unreal, giving and receiving. Having and lack are two sides of the same coin. There is not one without the other. There is a time for both sides of life. What time is it in yours?"

Balance. Give and allow to Receive. 

The Wheel comes up again with the Tower and the Emperor. No longer in my Tower I have re-claimed the World. And I find myself right at the beginning again... with the Fool. 

But THIS cycle I understand the Sun and the Moon and what I mean to them. 

The Lovers. The Subconscious mind fornicates with the Conscious mind. In this aspect the male/female dynamic is switched. Hinting to the fact that from behind the veil this is the process we see in the Lovers card. That there are Male and Female roles both in the Conscious AND in the Subconscious. They mirror themselves. 

That being said.... I am taking advantage of all areas of my brain. 

My favorite card AGAIN!!! Comes up with the Empress and Justice. I was out of balance. My conscious feminine role in my life was tainted but it was strong with my Spiritual Mother. And with her help she led me to the solution. 

I have a brand new loving relationship with my subconscious. Love always conquers all. I was lost in the woods and the Five of Swords kept me mentally divided. Having a damaged Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus and a Mind I could not rely on I wonder how it is I am even alive today and how I woke up today with such an amazing life. 

Death. Scorpio. Sex Death and Transformation. Craziness. 

Now in my conversation with Julie Cuccia-Watts I had mentioned that in her studies Fives are about Love. But most decks images for Fives involve Chaos, Competition, and Separation.

I can see the Five of Wands as working together for a common spiritual goal. 

So here we have the Five of Pentacles and the Five of Cups. Separation  Sadness, Brooding...  Feeling rejected. 

So I pulled some cards over them and asked what these cards really are about. 

As I was shuffling the Empress jumped out. "Yes Yes you are on the right track!!!"

I pulled the Seven of Pentacles over the Five of Pentacles and the Three of Cups over the Five of Cups. 

In between the Two of Cups a couple sit. Butterflies are released into the air. The Five of Pentacles can rob you of the Magic of Life. It can render us powerless. 

The Three of Cups shows that the Five of Cups should be about a dam orgy!!! Two is fun, Three is company... Five is a party!!!!

In Numerology Fives are about Love and Regeneration. Expansion, Growth, and Grace. Calm within the Storm. So you can see how these cards come with their challenges. But I think we as a collective are moving past these meanings. I feel the Star card is going through some radical changes. 

I am really excited for the future.