Monday, April 29, 2013

The Hierophant and the High Priestess

The Hierophant/The High Priestess

Ask and You Shall Receive

Earth Energies
Dark Spots of the Subconscious Mind
The Void

If this picture offends you, scares you, intimidates you, or stirs up any unpleasant feelings in you... goes against anything you believe in...  or is overall unsettling to you...

I suggest one of two things....

One: Stick around and Learn.

Two: Unlike My Page

I prefer option two... because it saves us both a lot of trouble.

I am making a commitment to try to not post anything that will get me reported... it will be challenging for me.

I know that Right and Wrong do not exist. I work with the human condition. All parts. Not just the ones that make us feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Life is messy... dirty.... unforgiving and relentless.

It's a dirty job but someone has to do it.

I am not afraid of the raw deep dark places of the Soul... because I have been there... Everyone has a Devil and it takes many forms.

We are all addicted to something... It is part of being human. But when we continue to strive to make light of our darkness. To make conscious of our unconscious spots...

We win.

1 comment:

  1. Page of Wands. Spirit please guide me through what it is you want from me.
