Monday, August 22, 2011

Another Tarot Reading

So now it is later in the day, and of course, my fears and doubts are trying to give me a hit. We borrowed $100 from my mother in law to put in the bank and I got a late fee from a payment I believe was on time in the mail.

The hits just keep on coming. So I need to draw another spread to see what is going on...

Here we go.

Spread: Celtic Cross Spread

Oh my Lord. This is gonna be good. Okay here we go.

Present: Two of Cups

AGAIN! (If you have been reading my posts, you would understand why this is soooo exciting to me.

So I went and got the shots for my daughter with the neighbor which was a HUGE load off my mind... it was needing to get done and I have a hard time getting out of my head and DOING things. Plus I am squimish when it comes to that stuff.

I made my friend hold my daughter and I was glad I did cause as the nurse went at her with the needle she clenched and contorted and starting screaming. If I was holding her, I would have LOST IT.

Let me take a moment to tell you why this card seems so amazing to me at this point. I just moved here. To Lyman Wyoming.
I moved here a year ago exactly from Chicago.
That is a biiiiiig change. My husband was born and raised in Wyoming. We met in San Diego where I worked as a floral designer.... Clayton, my hubby was in the Navy.

I knew no one here but my in laws. And a couple of cousins here and there of my husband's.

Needless to say, I was ALONE. We moved here for my hubby's job at the windmills.

I had a four year old and a 3 month old and got pregnant two months after we got here. I spent the ENTIRE winter in Wyoming in a house pregnant with two kids.


So the fact that this card is telling me that I need to get involved with my community and find connections for support through people tells me a WHOLE LOT.

Oh and I also just realized that my mother in law giving us the $100 to put in our bank account is another way that I am getting supported by people around me.

How Blessed am I people?

Problem: Three of Swords

Thoughts that hurt my heart. Torturing myself with my mind. Letting my thoughts overpower my heart.

Yup. Nuf said. Exactly why I drew this spread... my thoughts of doubts and thoughts of fear are over ruling what I know is true in my heart.

Above: Judgement


Hahaaa. Wake up Mandy and realize that this is it. Stop idolizing the power of money and embrace the love. (I know that sounds sooooo corny) I have support up in heaven and now I realize I have it down here on earth.

Everything is fine.

Below: Seven of Swords (Reversed)

Okay how creepy is that? My last spread had Seven of Swords Reversed in the "Future" position... now it is Below me...

Below me means what is manifested right now. What is here on earth. (Above being the opposite what is in our thoughts that may become our future reality below)

This card is telling me that I am having these thoughts of fears and doubts because I will not CHOOSE the ones I want to give power to. I am letting ALL the thoughts have free reign....

Recent Past: Kinght of Swords (Reversed)

Lot of action going on. Yup that sounds about right... Woke up this morning and all hell broke loose... news of money packing the kids up and getting Logan ready for school it was like a whirlwind!

This card is also letting me know that in the recent past I did not "take charge" of my thoughts. I let my thoughts "take charge of me".

Yes, yes I see that now, thank you Tarot for reminding me.

Future: The Heirophant

Belief Systems. My reality is the product of all that I believe. I have to challenge those thoughts and beliefs that threaten my security and safety once and for all.

Do I want to believe in struggle and poverty?

No I dont. So I need to take a stance and refuse the thoughts that encourage the growth of that seed in my mind.

I must decide what stipulations my reality is based on.

Affecting Me: Ten of Cups (Reversed)

78 cards and I get three cards two spreads in a row IN THE SAME PLACE! .... if that is not magical I dont know what is.

However this time it is reversed.... Seems like all the positive energy I was feeling when I drew my spread this morning got sucked right out of me as I allowed my thoughts of fear and doubt over rule the knowledge in my heart.

I forgot to be grateful.... I forgot that all is well...

External Influences: Ace of Swords (Reversed)

A new beginning of thinking is taking over me.... if I allow it that is...

Hopes and Fears: The Sun (Reversed)

Darn it Darn it Darn it.... okay confession... I did a reading last night that I did not blog... I had to I was all over the place yesterday... I cant remember the whole spread but the sun was in the "problem" position... it was telling me that I am not letting my light shine...

Here it is again reminding me to let go and be me. Let my light shine... be childlike and innocent. Have fun and let my energy flow easily... be who I was created to be without shame. To know that I was created with the intention of love and happiness and ease.... I am the only one standing in the way of myself.

I am so afraid of just being me... being me honestly with myself and show that person to others.

Final Outcome: Knight of Wands

A message of the Spirit! How exciting! This knight is daring, courageous, adventurous, passionate, a risk taker at heart and fears NOTHING!

I must embrace the energy of the Knight of Wands.... laugh in the face of danger and seek adventure!!!!


Awesome. Thank you Tarot... for the reassurance and support.

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