Thursday, October 6, 2011


My landlord came over yesterday. This area, being predominantly Mormon, in Wyoming is called "God's Country."

He gave me yet another version of the Bible. I received one from a Mormon missionary when I moved into town.

I also am visited frequently by Jehovah Witnesses. My mother became a born again Christian when I was in 8th grade.

I had a Russian Energy healer for a friend, a Muslim Persian for a boss, a Jewish girl from Isreal for a co-worker, a Spanish Catholic for a mentor, and a witch for a mother in law.

I admit, I struggled with Jesus, as we all do.

Through learning and exploring myself and the world I perceived I found self-actualization.

Finding out who I am and doing what it is I desire to truly find a deep sense of bliss is a result of hard internal focus and a trust in being able to express it in the world.

One thing I notice about talking to Jesus lovers is that they learn how to use their human mechanism and their energetic bodies to drink the waters of life.

Many Christians tell me that you "thirst" for Jesus. That they get to a point that all they want is more Jesus.

I find a lot of people addicted to Jesus. Addicted to the energy current that sustains their life.

I often hear people say, "who are you in Jesus?"

Some people call us the flesh coats... the puppet of God.

Most new age books talk about eliminating our "self". To destroy our ego and live an enlightened life.

People say we co-create with God. The co-creation part is simply being yourself. God created you special and knows every desire... passion.... thrill... disappointment.... naughty thought... gruesome deed.

Yet we still feel shame.


The story of Adam and Eve talked about how they realized they were naked and were ashamed and hid from God.

When we are ashamed to be who we are it is an insult to our creator.

We dont need to be religious goody goodies. Jesus freaks. All we need to do is accept and loves ourselves... stand naked before God.

If you are addicted to Jesus like you are addicted to anything else, you are not loving yourself.

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