Sunday, December 16, 2012

December 16, 2012 Spread Work

I am going to try to do my daily spreads here.

I offered to people to ask a question regarding humanity for the cards.

Most people asked about the shift. Although intimidating... no guts no glory.

Lower Three Tarot: Six of Cups, Death, Page of Cups

We all have been getting our shit shoved in our faces to deal with it. To heal. Now is the time to let it go. It has been dealt with and now must be forgiven. Move on. Our pasts. Our childhoods. It almost looks like a re-claiming our our innocence. It is sweet sorrow.

Past Oracle: Aloha Healing

Humanity is healing. We are on an individual basis and as a result collectively.

Center Challenge: Temperance

Blending our masculine logical parts with our feminine intuitive parts. This is a card of suffering. We are tempered by God. It is self-control. self-discipline. God molds us like play-doh to give us character.

Humanity is blending. We are becoming one.

Upper Three Tarot: Hermit, Seven of Wands, Ace of Cups

We delve deep inside of ourselves. What is this finite light in me? It is so defined within me.  This light in me has been given a name. This light is me. Who am I? Some have told me who to be. Some have not accepted the glimpses I've allowed to show. I am afraid. I am broken. I have been told many lies. My Spirit beaten... not broken. I am still standing. Even willing to fight. We fight to keep love alive. To keep romance alive. To keep everything that is good strong.

Future Oracle: You have attracted wonderful news!

We are raising the bar. Each and every one of us is healing and raising our vibration.

This is a new Earth. Already. There are two that hang in the balance. There is the world that believes in separation. The world that feels rejected. Then there is another world. A world where the Universe gives you everything you need. Where everything is connected and the Universe is at your service.  There is no choice really. It is the future of this planet. It is evolution. 

Nothing is going to "happen". It is going to be the same as usual. But faster. Can't you feel it already? How much faster things are arranging themselves? You cannot deny. 

It is a quickening. A building. A slow yawn into the future. If we aren't careful we will miss it! This grand opportunity that can so easily be overlooked. Such a pity. 

We have an opportunity to leave the pain in the past and stair step evolve. It is no longer all up to our logical side. We all need to re-define what God means to us. The masculine energy of creation. Our minds. The logic has stabbed our hearts. We now need clarity. A new way of thinking about how we hang on to pain. Why we allow ourselves to be treated in such a dis-respectful way. We even do it to ourselves. 

We stay in our boxes. We cling fearfully to what we think we know. What we can see and touch. It is not just these things!!! These thoughts... they are things. They are real. Or are they?

No one knows what the hell they are talking about. Each of us wield our ideas fearfully waiting for the moment when we all can finally cheer for we have won. 

All we need to do is go there. Take the thoughts we want to go and create a new reality. We don't have to stay tired. We don't have to wonder.... is this all there is??? 

No. No its not. There is much much more. 

You can create anything you want. You can be and do whatever you wish. Don't believe me. Let's here your excuses. Your pain. Let's heal. This is where your freedom is. Right here. Healing with each other. 

We need to start realizing that we need to become more flexible if we think we are going to get through this. More flexible and more willing to love unconditionally. To love ourselves. 

Things are only going to get faster. Spirit is going to push you further and further out of your comfort zone until you see. Your higher self is dragging you kicking and screaming to the light. Me? I am already there watching the sunrise. 

It's about powerful personal growth. It's time to be brave. You already know what is going to happen. The veils between the dimensions is thinning.  The process of creation has always been speeding up. You will create what you want faster. So it is time for a change to learn something new. 

It is time to change. Each of us. Individually. This will change the world. 

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