Sunday, December 30, 2012

Harsh Truth Tarot Spread

Harsh Truths Spread -- Position meanings: 

1. What you want to see/believe 
2. What you don't want to see/believe 
3. What is true 
4. What you want to happen 
5. What you don't want to happen 
6. What will happen 

By: Luminessence ( )

Decided to give this spread a whirl and see what I come up with. The cards know how dense of a person I am so they are okay with giving me the same message over and over again until I learn it. Thank the Universe for its patience. So here I got the Five of Pentacles. Again, feeling unsupported and disconnected. My stubborn brain just won't let go of this negative thought pattern no matter how much I am aware of the falseness of the concept. I am still working on getting away from it. I want peace of mind... mental rest but I resist getting a handle on it. If I continue to go down this path I will be limited to my conscious mind. My logical mind. I will only choose to believe what I can understand. Which ain't much. 

So I decided to draw some more cards on the Emperor for clarification. Ahhh. See? Strength comes up to point out an imbalance between the masculine and feminine. If I allow my masculine side to take the reigns I sure will be upside down in my thinking.

Now that is better. Woman on top... where she belongs ((Tee Hee hee))

As if the point wasn't clear enough. Here is a spread in regards to the issue. The new paradigm is here. Right now we are suspended between the two. One paradigm is the Seven of Swords and the Five of Swords. This paradigm is about lack. Survival. Where you must steal and cheat to survive. That you must fight for what is yours. The other paradigm is the Six of Pentacles and the Ten of Pentacles. Where there is enough for everyone to go around and our fear of lack is simply a trap of the ego. We are complete. Whole. We all wait with the world in our hands watching as the Wheel turns. A new way of thinking. A tempering. A blending. A marriage between the masculine and feminine is taking place. Which paradigm are you going to choose to move forward in? It is time to wake up. It is time to move forward in confidence within our minds and create a better future. 

Who's with me?

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