Monday, January 28, 2013

Daily Spread Work January 28, 2013

I got another birthday present yesterday... a nice piece of Tangerine Quartz!!! 

Tangerine Quartz

It is an excellent stone to use after shock or trauma and especially at the soul level. It can be used to heal after a psychic attack.

Root/Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra 

Tangerine Quartz stimulates the joyful energy of the inner child, encouraging playfulness and curiosity, allowing us to learn and grow. It activates passion on all levels, from sexuality to creativity. It helps to overcome limitations and gives hope.

It aids in creativity and sexuality. Energy, Motivation, Vitality, and determination.

It is only natural that the first cards I pull from my Chakra Oracle speak of the Base Chakra, SElf-Esteem, and expression. I can see that already the crystal has made such an effect on me. 

  • Sound: Music, Silence, Rhythm, Vibration
  • Self-Esteem: Confidence, Self-Love, Self-Worth, Pride
  • Base Chakra: Material World, Physical Vitality, Survival Instincts, Security, Grounding, Stability, Action, Perseverance, Foundation

I have been going through some serious personal growth. "She is an underwater (emotional) princess, and she is growing in ways she thought she would. Because soon... she is to be the queen, and she must make decisions. She feels uncertain about how she will perform when she is elevated and unsure of whether she can wield her power. She is very thoughtful as she contemplates the future-but all around her are the symbols of her future success. You are being asked by the Universe to step up into a more "senior" and conspicuous role, and you are concerned about whether you can be powerful and still be a good person. You will grow in ways that are perfect, and perfectly proportioned, just as the nautilus is."

I know that I am gifted and talented. It isn't just that I have a natural gift... it is that I work really really hard to perfect my craft. I have blended my craft into my life where there is no longer a line that separates the two. People are coming more and more... to see what I am made of. Everyone has self doubt. But we feel the fear and do it anyways if we want to attain greatness. Because change is scary. Sometimes we must take a risk and stretch beyond our comfort zone to see that we can be something bigger and better. 

The Lantern Fairy shows up to tell me that there is a clear solution to my hardships at the moment. This card, modeled after the Tower card in Tarot, sends gentler message. It says that if we pay attention and follow that light it will lead us under, around, and through walls without them having to be torn down by fate. 

It promises to be able to move through the obstacles without force or fear. The wall is coming down... between my Tarot Magical World and my prior Mundane Reality. They are becoming one. 

The Snow Angel is my "bitch please" card. You already know. I do already know. I am good at what I do... I just need to have confidence and believe in myself. Like Joan of Arc I was born to do this. I have many tools and have learned to use them well. It is now time to teach others the tools that have made me who I am.

"These faceless ones are coming to me, trying to take advantage of what they see as my moment of weakness- but I do not fear them, as I know they are blank, formless, and simply taking on any energy they can find. I know who I am, and I clearly see that they do not. They are simply spirits who have lost their way, so they feed off of others. I may not be at my strongest at this time, for I know who they are, but neither will I give my energy away to them. Know that until they find their own selves, and commit to following that path, they will be as blank pages: written upon by whatever hand comes near them. Do not be like this. Make your own mark on this world."

Well says a lot to me. These are the people I am helping. Helping people find their own way... their own identity. Not everyone has yet... and are lost in the sea of influence. I know who I am. Let me help you find who you are. 

My work is picking up pace and fast. Spirit is bringing a sense of satisfaction in my work. I am now grounded and comfortable in my new house and can fully open my heart now that I am safe at home. But the fact of the matter is I need to be more careful of whom I share myself with. Not to be so emotionally slutty because as people change they wrestle with fear and until love wins... the process is very sensitive. 

I need to be more confident in what I know and learn from past mistakes. People are not always so honest with who they really are.... especially when they want something from you or are trying to impress you. 

I grow and change... but not everyone is on the path. Don't feel sorry for yourself and use it as a reason to keep people out of your heart and mind... simply learn more self preservation. Respect yourself enough to protect yourself. I am in control of me... not them... fool me once, shame on you... fool me twice, shame on me. 

Any mental attack can be shielded when you are aware that you are complete unto yourself. Then anything else will just look like a big fat lie. A new world is building and I am helping it grow. It is new. Young. As am I. But I am willing to mold it... take whatever immature ideas I have at this moment and make them real. I am ready to make a plan on how to proceed. I have an appointment tomorrow to sit with another reader and figure these things out. I am pretty excited about it. 

I am full of un-directed energy. I am super creative and if I do not express my art I get depressed. All my life if I am bottling up my Firey inspiration then my system goes crazy wonky. It is a start of something new and I have no idea what it is... but I am ready to take risks and follow my passion to wherever it leads. 

Just out of curiosity I am going to lay another card of the Fool and the Ace of Wands to see where Tarot wants this energy directed. 

The Magician. Sweet. I can create anything I want. The question is... as it always is... what do I want???

All of this energy is waiting for me to channel it down to Earth. Hopefully I can get this all figured out here soon. But the process is really exciting. I cannot wait to see what I am capable of creating. 

I love these cards. Look at the light shining off of them. My FAVORITE!!!! 

Anyways... so we have Infinite Possibilities. "There is never only on answer to any question. Listen deeply to the light within you. That light carries the memories of all time and brings to you the awareness that beyond nay singular solution there are more questions and  more solutions. Your choices are driven by your questions. Request what you need... what you want, and the solutions will unveil themselves."

It is interesting this message keeps coming up. Ask and you shall receive. The hard part is most people have no friggin clue what they really truly want. Their soul wants are battling for creation with their ego selves. Their conditioning of what makes a person happy might not always match up with what truly makes us happy. 

As for me... I love crystals... and cards... I love playing with them. I love reading books. I love sitting at home and watching movies with my kids. When we really peel all the layers away we realize that it takes very little to make us happy. But I am a dreamer and I dream of taking the kids on vacation all over the world. Eating foods in different cultures. I love clothes!!! Oh how I love clothes. I would love to get my hair cut at a salon!!! Oh and how I would loooove to get a big girl phone so I can do my work networking from it. And a new laptop to work out of my new shop!! oh and my shop! I need a table and chairs and curtains and paint and plants and more CRYSTALS!!!! LOTS AND LOTS OF CYRSTALS!!!!!

Oh I have wants all right. But my happiness is not gauged by my wants or even my needs. It is determined on what I get the satisfaction from... the Nine of Cups. I enjoy working... I enjoy bringing my spiritual and creative work to the physical plane. I have my whole life to create what I want. To paint my masterpiece in life and it is so much easier to do when you truly know there are infinite possibilities. Then the Universe has a whole lot to work with in order to give me what I want. The Universe is in love with me and wants to see me soooooo happy!

"Gateway: Creation: The Gateway of creation teaches the experiencer the entire how's and whys of the cosmic processes. The meta-sciences, the very basic principles of consciousness and reality are through this gateway. There is no illusion here and what you seek to learn is within your grasp. There are no admission fees for entering this gate except undiluted humility and an absent need to know. Once inside of this powerful portal you can realize that you are the creator and the multiverses are your palate. What is your desire?"

Again. Desire. What do you desire? Obviously I am having issues with this because if I knew... I would just go to it.. go get it. Right?

"You are looking to others much of the time to fill your needs. These perceived needs are generally because you want attention, validation, to be noticed. You must realize that others have nothing more inside of themselves than you do. To be needful is to deny the fact that every resource that you need is within you. No one else has what you need. Remember that you cannot recognize what you have no yet given to yourself."

This whole post is very significant with this Leo Full Moon we have all been experiencing. The Solar energies. Self-esteem, self-confidence, self love...  

If we cannot love ourselves first... how can we expect anyone to love us? How can we accept love from others if we cannot love ourselves. We would feel unworthy. Unfit. This is what the Queen of Pentacles hints at in the Tarot spread. That we must be comfortable within ourselves in order to fight off any opposing energies. It is easy to stand up for ourselves when you respect yourself. It is easy to let people love you when you find yourself to be someone who you love as well. 

Our ego wants us to be the center of the show but the ego demands it of other... the true self just loves... everything.. everyone... ourselves unconditionally. The light in me honours the light in you. 

I suppose that is also a part of what I do... teach people to love themselves just the way they are and then allow the Universe to love them back. 

The World card in the Tarot spread explains just this. That each one of us is complete unto ourselves. It is not the validation of the world we need it is our own self validation. Instead of having to hear it from others we truly want to hear it from ourselves. A need to be loved is a call to love ourselves. Some people might confuse this as being self-absorbed, egocentric, or even narcissistic. But this is not true. It takes courage to reflect on oneself with love. 

Since I am changing so much so fast I decided to pull a Shapeshifter card. I got Snow White and Her Animal Friends: You inspire trust and confidence. 

Yay! That is good to hear. "The vulnerable ones like us come to you, not to take, but to show you how trusted you are. It is not a burden, it is a great honour. Rarely do we show  ourselves, but to you, we come, and lay our heads in your lap .There is such an air about you. You are a safe and good person. You have become the protector, and you are a caretaker with a covenant for the vulnerable ones. It is time to step up and protect others who are smaller and more fragile than you."

I suppose I am a natural Tarot reader. I enjoy people. Which is why it is hard for me to withhold myself from others at first. I am open and honest and have nothing to hide. But I do need to use my instincts more and to not feel like I need people around me. I am dancing on this tight rope. I love people but some of them have agendas.  People like me are ever surprised when we come across people like this... since our only agenda is to love and be loved... the true bohemian way. But it is only in our need to have people is where the problem lies. The need sends out the signal of us being desperate. Desperation attracts scary things. 

If you desire friends... but come off as needy you are sending the signal to the world that you are missing this piece of yourself. Then we lower our standards and don't see things for what they really are.. but what we want them to be.  Be your own friend first... and others will follow. 

Funny... after I was done with this post I remembered my yearly spread....

Page of Swords and the Wolf Moon: I will watch over you.... This Oracle card is number one in order. The same as the Magician... I suppose it is a loud message that the lunar wolf will help me see through a dreamscape into clarity, keep danger at bay, and help me to change without causing harm to myself, or hurting others. Interesting... looks like I am right on track. 

I have to explore this more... the Wolf Moon is perfect for this month... 

• Full Wolf Moon – January Amid the cold and deep snows of midwinter, the wolf packs howled hungrily outside Indian villages. Thus, the name for January’s full Moon. Sometimes it was also referred to as the Old Moon, or the Moon After Yule.

For many wild creatures, the frigid conditions can be merciless, and maintaining their wellbeing is a daily struggle. Wolves, however, are an opportunistic clan, and other creatures who fall victim to winter's clutches are easy pickin' for a wolfy lunch. Wolves bellow their mightiest howls in January - it's a call to the clarity of the moon, a call echoing out through the crystal icelands of winter, a call heralding their dominance this time of year. If the gray, cold days of January get you down, invoke the Wolf as a totem of superiority, and victory over the brittle chill. Let out a grand howl yourself, and let your rebel yell serve as notice that you are here, you are noble, and you are fully capable of conquering whatever perceived avalanche may be in your way this January.

January can be a tough time for some of us who are profoundly affected by the seasons of our planet. It has to do with ancient themes of both hibernation as well as emergence from deep withdrawal.

The month of January was named after Janus for his ability to turn one face to reflect upon the past and a yet another face freshly pointed upon the future. This is so appropriate. January marks the new year for most of us humans. A new beginning.

In essence, the god Janus is kind of a bellhop or doorman for the mansions within our soul. Before us and behind us are endless doorways of potential and possibilities. Janus is privy to all of these potentials, and January proposes a perfect alignment of energies that allow the opening of all these doors so we may view the contents (insights, possibilities, reflections) inside.

1 comment:

  1. Man, you did a lot of work here Mandy! Not to mention your new crystal piece (hmm) - seems downright nearly edible! :-) Just looking at the photo tells me it is extremely uplifting (I am getting it could help lift the Seasonal Affective Disorder stuff that people have this time of year). Very creative energy in that, almost childlike! I have read through your cards here and I honestly think you will have an amazing year and that you will do something a bit different - reaching into your heart more, balancing it with your overactive head ;-) (Oh, I have the same issue having Cappie/Aquarius planets with Gemini Rising). NOURISH yourself, that stone says! ;-)
