Friday, January 25, 2013

Spread Work January 25, 2013

My Spread Work for the day!!! And it is going to be a good one. Today is a day of Temperance... of blending opposites.

All this new energy and excitement of not knowing what is coming next is refreshing.

It is bringing with it Spirit and Abundance...

The new wave of love and spirit pours over us... in a very real tangible way.

There is so much Spirit that the thoughts and feelings of separation are dwindling away naturally. Almost as if you have no choice but to believe now.

I can see clearly now... it may be slow but that is the way it should be. Gradually building piece by piece your masterpiece. We are focused. And nothing is stopping us now.

These feelings are so overwhelming it is almost like we do not know what to do with it!!! It is almost too good to allow ourselves to acknowledge these feelings.

But it is Justice... the cards say. It is getting what we deserve.

We are complete... we can see that now. A new way of living from this truth that we truly reap what we sow. We can now be at peace with ourselves and stop and look at all that we have worked for. To be able to wrap our arms around what we have and smile because it is all ours. We have created it Now we can just ride the way and enjoy the rocking.

To be full of love, joy, and appreciation. This is a new thing we are working with... cutting the mental cords that keep us from not being able to see the forest for the trees. Freeing ourselves.

We are connecting.... we love each other. The light in me honors the light in you.

So we bought our house... so you know what that means!!!! We got the old brick post office on the lot too!!!! Please let me introduce: Coming Soon: The Green Eyed Gypsy!!!!!

I am just so excited!!! The possibilities are endless!!!!


  1. Nine of Cups for my daily widget. Perfection. :)

  2. Oh man... I am totally coming to visit. Fix me up a cot in your guest house :) Many grats to you and your beautiful family!

  3. Temperance - the Alchemist's card hehe! Love this post, and LOVE the pic of your brick building here - nice!!

  4. big bad wolf wont be able to blow it away:)

    1. Let's hope not. It is quite the bomb shelter... for that Zombie Apocalypse.
