Friday, January 18, 2013

Tetrahedron Spread

The last couple weeks I have been Tempered a lot. My Masculine and Feminine sides have been really really out of whack. Bouncing back and forth between my magical life and my mundane one. They fight each other. The Emperor in my head restricts me with rules within and without while my Empress heart wants to be free. Order comes in the control chaos. Resistance is futile. You are only battling yourself. 

I drew The Tetrahedron Spread 

1) The Heart of the Matter: You are not allowing your emotions to fully process and that sometimes you become stagnant of unprocessed emotion that you find it hard to function on some days at all. Let your emotions flow. Let yourself acknowledge and process whatever comes your way. Remember that you cannot ever lose or give away anything that you have not first fully owned. 

2) Karmic Challenge: Courage Amongst Change. Often we don't change unless some invisible force shakes us out of our comfort zone and propels us into the unknown. When this happens, we often resist, kicking and screaming the whole way. By our resistance we create roadblocks where there were none, difficulties where there could have been ease, and often our fear of the new and different leaves us stuck in the mundane. You are being put on notice that great changes are coming into your experience and to allow yourself to flow through them with Grace and ease. Know that even when there are unknowns, creation always knows and will never steer you wrong. Ride the wave of change like the true warrior you are!

3) Point of Resistance:  Trinity of Light. This symbol is a powerful validation that the light within you is awakening and that your spiritual journey is about to skyrocket into infinite territories. Remember in it all to be light of spirit and unafraid of your journey. 

4) Issues of the Feminine Balance: You often become mired in life, not being able to see past the immensity of what it brings. You feel stuck, unchallenged, bored even. There are always options for something different. You are challenged to look up from your sense of impossibility to realize that nothing is impossible, it is all simple when you look from every angle and you are the creator of whatever experience you desire, go for it. 

5) Issues of the Masculine Balance: You are a warrior of spirit, destined to stand up for your beliefs and those of others you consider truth. Remember no war is ever won when fought with negative forces. Use the light and it will guide you to victory in every matter. True power is gentle power, that which is of the heart and no aggression. 

6) Challenge of the Spirit on a Soul Level: As Above So Below. Whether we realize it or not all things are created of us and we are created of all things. What is cosmic in nature in how creation is formed, how it works continually regenerating itself and the reality that comes from that creative process is not only outside of us but inside of us too. The very light from which we are created shines not only in some nebulous place that we can't necessarily see or hear or touch, but also inside each of us. When we truly tap into our source, what we find is a part of us that we had not yet discovered, patiently listening, waiting for us to connect. When we allow ourselves the freedom to reconnect with that perfect part of us our journeys become seamless experiences that are filled with truth and occur with grace and ease. You are in a divine marriage of humanity and infinite expression.

7) Earthly Challenge Human Aspects: Your body is pre-programmed with an intricate set of instructions to be what it is. But you can change that. What is it that you mean to create in your physical experience, how you feel, how your body responds to your commands? This first step to creating your future body is to accept the one you have now unconditionally. Once you are comfortable in your own skin, the rest is easy.

8) Perceptions Involved in the Matter: Perhaps you hesitate to give because to do so would leave you open to rejection. Being in the flow requires both giving and receiving. One cannot balance without the other. Begin to set yourself free by allowing yourself to share with others what is in your heart. 

9) Potential Outcome: Part of you has chosen the easier path believing that ignorance is bliss. Find your spontaneity and let yourself travel in body and spirit into the unknown where you will find exactly what you seek.



  1. the anima and animus tend to communicate in our dreams. observe carefully and approach with an open heart and mind.
