Wednesday, January 16, 2013

There Is No Justification For Censorship

I am in a very feisty mood today. The last couple of days I have been resting in the Four of Swords. Today I woke up refreshed.  I love Facebook. It has single handily introduced me to the most amazing people I have ever met from all around the world. I love checking it everyday to see what the new fresh things are happening in the Tarot community. The downside is you have to deal with the ignorance that is the uneducated person. What pisses me off the most is that its the idiots who are allowed a voice and not people like me. I have been censored twice in this last week. There is nothing that drives me more bananas than feeling oppressed. (Remember I am an Aquarius and I enjoy my God given Freedom and Constitutional Rights) The right to free speech. By censoring ANYTHING we are giving the message that some people are not important. I hate listening to people's denial too. I hate reading people's fear just as much as you do... but I have the right to click "unfriend" just as much as they have the right to post how they think and feel. My choice is what I am going to believe. Censorship takes that right away from me.

But what about personal agendas???? Then trust that people are smart enough to draw that conclusion for themselves... instead of treating people like children who need to be protected.

This, of course, is my opinion... my voice. But let's see what the cards have to say about it. I will pull three from my Chakra Insight Oracle.

Creativity (Imagination, Expression, Originality, Passion) Possession (Belongings, Finances, Assets, Treasures) Communication (Self-Expression, Exchange, Sharing, Connection)

Right. Exactly. I want freedom of creation. Freedom to express that. To be able to share it with others and learn and teach. We forget that we learn just as much from the bad behavior as we do the good. Actually I think a lot can argue that we learn more from the wrong doings. We need to allow the space for people to make their own decisions.... no matter what that decision is and if we agree with it.

The middle card speaks of ownership. Things people think they own at least. It is about control. People who have the money have the control. Sucks but it is true. People want money and they will kiss the ass of the people who have both the money and the control.

I feel like I have a lot of emotions about this. I am being affected very strongly. I want to know why.

The cards say that is it my nature to rebel. To fight containment. The Seven of Cups speaks of Illusion. Am I being disillusioned? I drew another card on it... The High Priestess. Seeing through the Illusion... through the Veil. Past all the bullshit excuses and justifications. We all need to learn from each other. It is not for us to judge what is good or bad... right or wrong.  

Censoring: a person who supervises conduct and morals. 

Censor: n official (as in time of war) who reads communications (as letters) and deletes material considered sensitive or harmful. 

Who is the Judge and Jury? And who are we really protecting removing certain material from the public eye?

The Nine of Pentacles says to come back home and wrestle these impulses I have. You win by gentleness... not by force... remember???? I am trying to come from an honest place within myself and temper my harsh words and thoughts that I am capable of doing. It will only make me look like an insecure person attacking everyone. 

I am coming from the Two of Cups and the Two of Pentacles.... can't we all just get along??? How can we change things if we aren't willing to listen to each other? Even if an agreement isn't came to... it is the experience alone that changes us in subtle ways on the outside but profoundly on the inside. We all walk away different from each other. 

My brain works so fast I have a hard time keep my mouth shut sometimes. I know this. But that doesn't make me wrong. I want to shine like the Sun and enjoy who I am in all my parts... not have someone put me in a box. I want everyone to honor and love each other even in our differences. 

The Five of Swords shows how we always are on the defensive... always waiting to get offended and duke it out with each other. There is no right or wrong people. It is a concept of the ego.  Adopt the attitude of the Ten of Cups and realize that we all can appreciate and honor each other's feeling while having safe boundaries of our own. The Seven of Swords shows that there is some foul play going around. Who can you  trust? I mean really. It is all such bullshit. 

The Four of Pentacles and the Three of Wands speak to me. What are we creating? More of the same? Holding onto what? Sitting there on your spiritual peddle stool. Who crowned you king of the world? Mine Mine Mine he says. I don't want to change. We have to be able to see past that. Past the illusion. In order to be a leader one must set the example. To be in a position of power requires to fight for what is right. Putting people's freedoms first. 

Why is the Universe sending me all these messages and experiences? I suppose the cards say to learn Temperance and control. To blend those action forces and receptive forces. To do as one wishes... but to take no shit while doing it. To have inner strength to be able to give and take opinions. To give and receive them with love.... cause in the end... it is a choice. 

I have spent the last two weeks being attacked by what it seems is everyone. Everyone is scrambling searching on where to point the finger on why life isn't the way they want it. Looking outside of themselves instead of within. 

I doubt myself a lot. I am scared to truly voice my opinion... as it most of the time ends up with someone hating me. I call it like I see it and I'm sorry you do not like it. It is me being who I am. Love is not always nice. Love is sometimes rough, hurtful, and mean... and it makes you stronger for it. I am not here to please people. I am not here to save the world or become famous... all I am trying to do is work on myself and offer it to others to take the lead in their own lives. 

"There is nothing new in this world or even in creation. There is constancy inherent within all that is. To flow willingly within that constancy, adding your experiences to the entirety is your true destiny. Knowing this, we can also realize that the choices we make have been made before. Therefore, we can bear not the burden of guilt but of the fact that the choosing was ours and that the outcomes was totally dependent on our intentions. In our singular choosing is the continuity of creation choosing and learning from it own free will"

"Your physical aspect remains an obstacle. You and your body are continually at war with each other; you are wishing it were something that it is not, your body only doing as you ask. Resistance to the body does not serve you or it. Expand your spirit until it has filled you and you can no longer tell the difference."

"The possibility of a divided relationship. Perhaps even irreconcilable differences. What this card asks you to consider is if the reasons for separation outweigh the reasons for staying in the relationship. Often differences arise from taking personally the perceptions of another. If you feel it is truly over then let it be over. Finish it with your partner and in your heart, mind, and soul. Sometimes relationships are not meant to be forever but they always serve a purpose."

Thank you. Yes. Exactly what I am saying. The conflict will never cease. But our ability to not take things personally can.  The masculine and feminine will always be in a dance with each other. 


An unstoppable force meets and unmovable object. The senex and the puer. The natural order of things. Here are the natural forces of good and evil naturally balanced in a ballet or movement and evolution. Then man comes along and refuses to move. Tries to hold on and control everything around them. And then justify it by saying it is for your good not theirs. They were only wanting to protect you. I call hogwash and horseshit.  Instead of saying sorry I was wrong it needed to be justified. I'm doing it for you... don't ya know. 

Let me just stomp on you a little bit so that you don't get all carried away and get yourself hurt. Or God forbid challenge anyone who signs the checks. 

She appears when energies with major differences collide: when intentions are vastly different, when techniques are worlds apart, and when incompatible belief systems meet up!

There is nothing wrong with difference. Diversity is wonderful. Shadows and light are beautiful and necessary and can coexist in harmony. But certain kinds of difference do not blend.... when this happens all you can do is stand in your integrity. And stand strong. It is natural to feel tension to become even more entrenched in their beliefs, and to refuse to let go. 

Phew I I feel a lot better now. That I have that off my chest. 

So I asked the cards how are these experiences changing me? I got Wisdom as light as a feather. A piece of priceless wisdom was learned in a very simple easy way. You may receive signs that the wisdom of the owl is with you. The unblinking eye, the truth teller, the one who is the friend of the Goddess, from Athene to Blodeawedd. It is likey that people may underestimate you, or feel that because you have a light touch that you are not to be taken seriously. Nothing could be further from the truth. In matters of Justice, you will now be triumphant, even with the lightest of touches. 

Again Strength and Temperance. To allow conflict to change us.  Do not deny people freedoms. Don't be so quick to take offense to everything. Honor in the manner you wish to be honored. Everyone should be safe and free to express themselves. Everyone has a choice on whether or not to be involved in someone else's universe or not. There is an un-friend button in life. 


  1. Mandy always remember that when people "put you in a box" they are not limiting you. They are limiting their experience of you. You do not change. You are still the super nova exploding across the sky, the rainbow shining brightly across the sky leading people to their personal pot of gold. People who choose to censor you are closing their minds, hearts and souls. Keep being you darling. I love it and you. In all you sexy, silly, serious and sassy ways! :)

  2. :) Thanks Gary. I love you too.

  3. That was one of the supidest (most stupid?) threads I have ever seen. Personally, I despise "the purple pages" after being censored there for things I deemed, of course, ridiculous. Then when I look at all the people banned there, how I interact with them on Facebook, blogs, conventions when I am so lucky, I know I would rather be one of them than the purple sheep. (To anyone NOT Mandy reading this- if this offends you, you might be a purple sheep. If it doesn't, I am sure not talking about you, regardless of where you like to spend your Internet/tarot time.)

    The joke was funny, and offensive I guess, because it was true. If I can ever offer any advice to any budding professional tarotists, however they work, as an artist, author, writer, teacher, it is DO NOT go there looking for support. Those who can't do those things tear others down for it in that place for some reason, and it is really disheartening, especially since I met so many sterling people there (like Gary up there).

    I was incredibly shocked at the direction that one thread in that one place went, and let me tell you this- Ciro may have some money, but that is because he is a gifted, hardworking artist, NOT because of his best selling decks. It is totally possible to make a living at tarot, but it's hard to realize and see how many of your "peers" want to tear you down for it. We are supposed to be a bunch of spiritual people, right, Law of Attraction, abundance, there is enough for everyone? But you can always tell what people are really about by the way they act, no matter what pretty, sparkly words they say/type.

    Anyway, rant over. I am truly sorry you got censored, because that is wrong, unless you were outright telling someone you were gonna show up at their house with a 12 gauge, in which case you should have been arrested (of course I know this isn't true). And because you got censored, I cannot even have an intelligent conversation with you, because I don't know what you said, and am quite possibly offending you right now.

    As far as Facebook, I have posted far racier tarot cards than your picture and didn't get booted. I regularly say "FUCK" (as you know haha)and I am at a loss why they allow pictures of gore, war, abused animals on the brink of death, actually dead ones, but your picture of love & pleasure, boobs which are pretty, is offensive. I guess it is our culture, in which we see death on the nightly news, but a nipple at a Super Bowl show shuts the whole country down, and apologies have to be issued.

    I guess my rant wasn't over...

  4. I just now saw this.... Thank you for your support and understanding. Looking back now... I was pretty pissed.
