Monday, January 14, 2013

Blogging Since I Have 10 Hours Left On My Facebook Block

So I woke up this morning and Facebook blocked me... again. I have ten hours left on my block. I guess that is enough motivation to blog then. I didn't even think it was that bad. I have a hard time with "appropriate" and even I get a little squeamish with some of the crap I see on Facebook. It is okay to show a mangled dog or a beaten child but not this:

"I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy."

It is not the worst thing I have seen posted on Facebook. Maybe it was the nipples. Yup probably the nipples. Whatever I hate rules. Life is grey. 

I am always getting in trouble. Teachers hated me. Bosses fired me. I don't like to be told what to do. I think this post is sexy and sensual. Of course my head was geared towards Tarot. The roles of the Feminine and Masculine and how they are tempered together not through force but through vulnerability. I suppose if you are a prude or easily offended you would find this vulgar. That would be sad. I think the younger generation has no clue what making love is all about. 

Let's see what my Oracle has to say about the situation. 

Interesting. So my Oracle says Sexuality: Openness  Sharing, Beauty, and Honour. I really like that last one. Honour. Very nice. (Uh Oh nipples again... divert your eyes!) Relationships: Intimacy, Freedom, Acceptance, and Trust. And then there is Choice: Freewill, Courage, Willpower and Change. Weird. 

The first two cards are from Sacral Chakra. This Chakra is about our emotions, relationships, Control, Sensuality, Pleasure, Desires, Sexuality, Creativity, and Healing. 

Society allows this Chakra to be severely abused. I remember my sex ed class. Yikes. I think that class could use a holistic make over. We can watch woman objectify themselves all day long on tv and internet ads but show anything of true intimacy and people get uncomfortable.  They are desensitized and blind to the truth. It is amazing what people can justify.  

The last card seems odd to me. This card is based out of the Solar Plexus. Our power center. I suppose it is trying to say that when the Sacral Chakra is dishonored then it is the Solar Plexus that is next to be wounded. Our trust is taken away. Our ability to love ourselves and others. The abuse literally takes our freedom away. Our freedom of expression. Our self esteem and self worth is wounded. Our power is taken away.  It is about control. 

This card speaks of choices. That we all make choices everyday that shapes our lives and even the lives around us. You are in control at all times. That is called owning your power.

Now that I drew these cards I realize how pissed I am over the whole thing. I hate censorship. It is a slap in the face to free expression as an artist. Like I said everything is grey. I feel stifled and stuck. Like they are making me behave. I hate that. The Angel of Time is telling me I am working too hard. The Angel of Alchemy says that there is a Miracle on the way. You guys have been telling me this for a while now I am sick of waiting. 

I am an artist and I want freedom of expression. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Life is full of grey not right and wrong. 


  1. And of course my daily card is the Four of Pentacles... nice. gah.

  2. Hi Many, what deck are those Oracle cards from?

  3. Chakra Insight Oracle by Caryn Sangster

  4. I don't think it was the nipples. I think it was the inference of cunnilingus. I have no issues with either. Personally, I saw nothing wrong with the image. I found it tastefully sensual.
