Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Daily Spread Work: I am Unhappy In my Career

Yesterday I posted on my Facebook page and asked if any of my fans would like me to work on anything specific here today in my daily spread work. A request for direction with finding a new career.

In all the readings I have done they all consist of either questions about Love or Money. Always. In the old paradigm often these two concepts were pitted against each other. Thinking like, "you can't have it all" or "work isn't suppose to be fun that is why they call it work" fed it.

My old friend used to tell me, "If everyone did what they loved then there would be no garbage men". Although she does raise a valid point she was drastically underestimating the complex perfection of universal intelligence.

People waitress to get through law school. When I was a floral designer in San Diego my delivery boy was 35 years old and the happiest man you would ever have the pleasure of meeting. Everyone has different and unique desires and you would be surprised how often you meet people who don't want the fame and fortune.

These are the people who truly know who they are. When they can reach deep within themselves and find the things within their reach that create a life of bliss.

However, I used to also be an insurance agent at an independent insurance company and I know what it is like to have a job that makes you want to stick needles in your eyeballs. I know the feeling of not wanting to go to bed simply because you have to wake and do it again. I was an agent when the recession hit in Chicago. You know, when our politicians spent more money on hookers than the state? Yeah. People were losing their homes left and right. Businesses were falling. Divorces were flooding through. Then to top it off their premiums went up due to their insurance scores because their credit went to crap.

It was fun. No. It wasn't. It was terrifying. People were mad and scared. We had a agency managing system and I used to run reports for fun. It was like my own little universe to understand. Some people just had liability on their crappy car. Some people had million dollar policies on their wives jewelry.

It all came down to choices. The people who were losing everything financed everything. They had spread themselves too thin in the first place. They built their foundations on sand... and their houses fell. Everyday I had to listen to sob stories. Everyday I had to get yelled at and blamed for their bad mistakes. If they treated me with respect for what I did I could have educated them enough to fix their problem and see that it never happened again. Instead they chose to act like it was a cruel world and an unfair system.

It is easy to blame the universe, the government, our parents.... the education system. Whoever. It is easy.

The Truth of the matter is that there are solutions to every problem.

I have drawn up some questions here that I will present to the cards.

What is my honest view on the way the universe supports my work?

So this is me. Ten of Cups. I believe that work is suppose to fulfill you. It is not just to pay bills but to support a family happily. I feel that when you find the work that you truly enjoy then complete happiness is possible. I feel that what we are meant to do is what makes us happy because that is where our true abundance lies. Simply because we are the best at what we love to do. Not everyone feels this way. I will draw a card and ask what the most popular opinion is.

I got Ten of Pentacles. See here? Most people think you need to have the huge house the nice car and a bunch of crap they don't need. Just like the people who whined and cried when their houses with two mortgages on it got foreclosed or their boats and four wheelers had to get sold.  It isn't so much about the physical as it is about our emotions. How it makes us feel. Is it filling you? Are you satisfied emotionally? All the material things in the world cannot fill this emptiness... people make it about making the money and paying the bills first... before their emotional satisfaction. This is just backwards. This is the trap the ego sets up to make sure you are miserable for the rest of your life. 

I feel that most people aren't very honest with themselves. Mostly because of denial. It is too painful to face or too hard to change. So they stay where they are. Then complain about it. So here is some information that will give us an honest look of where you are at now.

Where do I stand in my current job?


So I drew two cards. The one on the left (Page of Cups) is me personally and on the right (Ace of Pentacles) is the popular opinion. 

For me, my job is very Spiritual. I am a dreamer and have the innocence of a child. I am free to be emotional, intuitive, and open. My job is full of beauty and mysticism. 

Now for most people they are all stuck on the physical plane. The lower level chakras of survival and competition. People can't get away from the day to day world. The more they are attached to this world the more the bills pile up to reinforce this thinking. People are yearning for a new job. Something that resonates with them more so they can feel emotionally satisfied. 


For me, (Four of Wands), my job is a grounding of my Spirituality through my mental processes. Nothing thrills me more than what I do. I am a thinker and I love to be able to challenge myself more and more. Fours are stable numbers and Wands are of Spirit, action, inspiration, creativity, expression, and Fire. My job is an avenue where I can take all of these and ground them into a practical down to Earth way. 

Now for most people their job is too analytical. It comes with mental challenges. The King of Swords can be rather judgmental and harsh. People feel as if their jobs render them detached. Stern, meticulous, and methodical the King of Swords does not deal with matters of the heart. He denies his personal happiness. All work and no play all business and no pleasure. Since this King is the Earthy part of Air he uses his mental abilities to control his Earthy environment. Meaning.... he is caught up in his head. He is all about rules and regulations, deadlines and responsibilities. Most people feel a duty to their jobs. 


Okay so I pulled the Empress. This makes me happy. The Goddess blesses me with love and abundance. I have found the job that resonates with my soul... my purpose for being here. Since I love what I do it never feels like work. I am compensated for my gifts, skills, passion, and experience. 

Most people however feel the deep urge to find this for themselves. They know they are unsatisfied. The King of Swords is too serious to consider what I am saying to him right now. He doesn't want to believe it. He does not want to be moved from what he thinks and believes. This goofy man in the Nine of Cups is obviously a lazy liberal artist and is happy being a bum. Whatever it is he tells him of why he is not deserving of this kind of fulfillment. 


When I say where do we stand physically in our job I mean does it support us? How is it on our bodies? For me, the Seven of Cups, says that although it looks like I have many projects at the moment nothing is clear, honest or real at the moment. The Empress offers me solace but I am dreaming. I am honest with myself and I know that my career is not reaping the financial benefits that is needed to truly support me in a way I want my lifestyle to be. However, I do have that emotional fulfillment and then some. I am one of those people who are going after what they want. I have grown in empathy and the cost of that was quite low. I may not have all the physical luxuries that most people think they need to be happy... but I have what they are really looking for. I do this because it makes me happy and it gets me by for now. But I do have to mention that I am young in my career and have no doubt that if I continue on this path it will lead me to the Ten of Pentacles. But unlike the unfortunate people who built their house on sand my house will be built on a sold firm foundation.... my Truth. 

It is easy to see why others would have a hard time with this. It takes guts and Faith. It takes sacrifice and courage. It takes soul searching and powerful personal growth. In other words... not the easy way. Or you could just sit in your cubicle and complain and blame everyone else for your unfortunate circumstances.

What did my environment teach me about what work means in the world?

For me the Eight of Cups says that it was a challenge for me to walk away from emotional attachments and into the unknown. This is hard for everyone. When I was an event coordinator I felt I got the best of both worlds a legit profession that allowed me to express myself creatively. When I had my first child I was made to believe that I no longer could "play with flowers" and support a family. This is why I became an Insurance Agent. It was like Death to me. Death in Hell. A desk job of emails, phone calls, and paperwork. Worst three years of my life. I was scared and believed everything everyone else believed about the world. I blamed my school for not teaching me, the government for taxing me, my boss for not appreciating me, my parents... everyone you name it. But this is not the Truth. It took all my strength and energy to turn away from these feelings. These negative attachments that weren't serving me.

Most people think that you have to be superhuman, special, or privileged to get what you want out of life. Not so. All you need is will. You need to figure out who you are. What makes you an individual? Everyone is special. Everyone has their own path and destiny. The Chariot speaks of our Ego selves. Our limited mind. Fear can only influence the limited mind. It is what keeps you enslaved.

What unconscious fears hold me back from making a change?

I drew The Emperor and the Devil. For me personally I resonate deeply with the Emperor card. These two cards together show that it is this over dominate logical, King of Swords, male influence that keeps us enslaved. Our conscious mind that is the Emperor is only aware of 20% of what we observe. 20%!!!!! That is insane!!! Could you drive a car that only is functioning 20%? 

NO!!! No no no you wouldn't and you could NOT. 

So why on Earth would you expect to be able to navigate your human body through a world where you are only able to grasp 20% of. Simply put... you don't. 

You need the Empress. You need your heart and your intuition. You need the feminine to guide you. Where the male might be rational and make sense... most of the world runs on chaos the irrational and it makes no fucking sense. 

What the Emperor sees as chaos the Empress sees as an orchestrated dance that is just beyond the comprehension of man. It is the other 80%.  

People need to come to this realization. These facts. When they understand how to use their mind and bodies anything is possible.

What are my Masculine influences? (Left Column)

In my Childhood- Three of Pentacles

Because my dad hated his job so much but did it for the money it made me want to find what job I could do that I truly loved. One that I was gifted at. Something that I could do in the real world and it be supported by Spirit. Threes are of harmony, trinity, growth, and transcending duality. In my childhood I learned that I wanted to have a working job that also feeds me.

In the Universe- Six Of Pentacles

The Universe is a machine. It has rules and balance. What you give out you receive. Whatever effort you put forth comes back to you. If you aren't getting what you want out of life... you only have yourself to blame.

Within Myself- Judgement

Time to wake up.

What are my Feminine Influences? (Right Column)

In my Childhood- King of Pentacles

This card says that we are used to it being a male dominated world. We still believe that it is a man's world and the men earn the money. I mean this literally and figuratively.

In the Universe- Two of Pentacles

Again another card of balance like in the Six of Pentacles. The Six is about generosity. It is about a Universe that is ever giving and abundant. It is about us humans being charitable and taking care of one another. This card came up for the Masculine side which tells me this is what we need to be more aware of and put more action towards. While the Two of Pentacles says that internally we need to become more flexible. Loosen our intense grip on what we think about reality. That we can make little changes that make a big difference.

Within Myself- Knight of Swords

Where the King of Swords has rooted himself in Earth and is movable on what he believes the Knight of Swords is mutable Air. He changes... and fast. He thinks on his feet and doesn't hold on to an idea too tightly. He allows his thoughts to flow and is not afraid to act impulsively. He is not stuck on anything. He is not caught up in his head. He enjoys seeking new experiences and new ideas. By changing from the King of Swords to the Knight we open ourselves up to creative freedom.

What is needed to balance the two? (Middle Card)

The Four of Wands comes in again. Everyone wants to celebrate their lives. They want to find something that brings heaven to earth in their own special way.

This is all possible. What I have told you is an Art and a Science. There is a method to madness. You do not have to be stuck. You can be fulfilled. You just have to change the way you think about the universe and yourselves. Educate yourself. You don't have to do it all in one day. But I do have one question for you... if you hate your job so much or at least desire a new one.... have you applied for a new one within the last month?


  1. You are good at this. The mention of having a job that made you want to stick needles in your eyeballs , well that made me laugh & I am glad you left it as would be your eyes :)
    Great topic!

  2. Great Post! I learned a good deal from this. Keep it up! :)
