Sunday, January 20, 2013

Not The Path Of Least Resistance

One of my favorite spreads is the Two Path Spread. It helps me to make decisions. One thing I noticed though is that Tarot isn't always going to tell you what you SHOULD do... it only lays out the cards in the energetic path of the outcome.

This is a perfect example. I always lay a few cards down going up to frame my state of mind and my situation. The Strength, Five of Wands, and the Two of Swords spells out quite the predicament. The left path is always the non-action approach... the feminine. The right is always the action or masculine. 

In this case you can see by leaving the Six of Swords promises peace in the Four of Swords and staying results in the Five of Cups but it will lead to the Ace of Swords. 

Now here is the tricky part. It is about personal responsibility. My husband used to get annoyed with me when I grabbed my cards when making any decision. "What about free will?" he would say. 

The cards don't take away my free will but they do allow me to access all parts of myself... even the unconscious parts. I am making decisions using the help of my higher self. How can I make a decision only using my conscious 20% of myself?

The cards don't tell me what to do... they simply show me the waves of energy emanating from both sides of the choice. Obviously the right path seems to be the path of least resistance. That does not mean that is the better choice to make. 

Pre-warned is pre-armed. When you know what you are dealing with it is easier to handle. Choosing the left path means you will have to deal with the energy of the Five of Cups but by pushing through that you will gain new clarity. A new way of looking at the situation. Since the Strength card came up it reinforces the message that perhaps the challenge needs to be taken on. It won't be easy with the Five of Cups. Small price to pay for enlightenment says the Universe. 

I can understand why people back in the day thought Tarot was evil. It has the capability to be so... when used in an ego-based way. If you think the Tarot makes you all powerful and God-like. Personal development is really important when it comes to using Tarot. It is a very very powerful tool. It must be used with great responsibility. 

Sometimes we have to take on challenges to grow. To change. One might take one look at this spread and think no way Jose I'm leaving and sailing away towards peace. I definitely do not want to suffer a loss. Feel sorrow and disappointment.  Perhaps it is part of a necessary grieving process that must be done. 

Our paths are full of challenges. With Tarot... at least you know what you are dealing with. It helps guide you. It might not tell you what you want to hear... but it will always tell you the Truth. 

A reader who has yet to transcend their ego is a scary thing. In order to be a Tarot reader it requires you to be better than that. To be something more than yourself. Working with it though will purify you. It turns metal into gold. But you have to work for it... but it is always worth it.

“It is not by studying Occultism for selfish ends,
for the gratification of one’s personal
ambition, pride, or vanity,
that one can ever reach the true goal:
that of helping suffering mankind.”

- H. P. Blavatsky

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