Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Signs Are Already With You.... Bitch Please

Just when you find a little more light within you to shine is when the darkness lashed out at you. We just celebrated buying our first home. What a wonderful feeling! Then, two days later, our car breaks down.... again. We bought a lemon. We have payments and we have already sunk $5,000 in repairs and now it is broken AGAIN.... *sigh*

I eat challenges for breakfast. Also, it is a perfect way to show how the Tarot can work for you. So I started shuffling the cards and three of them jumped out of the deck onto the floor. 

So the Death, the Hermit, and the Six of Wands. 

Death and destruction. Change. Harsh fate which does not consider personal feelings. It is the organic endings of things. It is when things are ripped from us... not by our own choice. Death is a profound change and new situations but comes with the sting of loss.
Ruling planets are Mars and Pluto. Pluto is the God of the underworld and Mars is the God of War. These energies are transforming by hostility. It is a Water element which means that it is going to effect us emotionally.  Death is number Thirteen in the Major Arcana; hence why the number 13 is always considered unlucky. 

The Hermit has so many many meanings to me right now. The Hermit's Lamp of Knowledge he carries is a magical receptacle for all the knowledge and wisdom he has acquired through many years of study and meditation and the staff represents the weight of his experience, upon which he leans for support.

This car has been the worst learning experience we have had thus far. It is these lessons in life that turn into wisdom later on. I mean isn't wisdom healed pain after all?

Both my Dad and my Husband are Virgos. Virgo is associated with the Hermit. I rely on these two men in my life for everything. They have been the ones there for me all my life. As much as I want to believe that I am independent and strong when I am dealing with these two men I turn into a stupid incompetent Fool. 

The Six of Wands gives me a great message saying WE WILL PREVAIL!!!!

Jupiter in Leo. It is pretty much a guarantee of honor and acclaim. This is where Leo is at its best in the second decan of Leo. Also called "Lord of Victory".  Jupiter is linked to the Wheel of Fortune which tells me to stay centered and see the big picture. 

Thanks Tarot but I still don't feel right about it. I am a hard case and I need the message hammered in my head in order to keep the Devil away. 

Okay so here we go. I drew out some cards from my Shadow and Light Oracle, Chakra Insight Oracle, and my trusty Robert Hanson Deck. 

The center card being the Heart Chakra sends me a message to bring love to the situation. Which is pretty obvious until we are in between a rock and a hard place. We forget. We get scared. Our heart closes and our minds are allowed to run amok. 

The cards say don't forget what you know deep down. The Snow Angel says, "The Signs Are Already With You". I call this my Bitch Please card. I do. I do know. This was a bad purchase. It was a mistake on our part and now we are paying for it. Literally. 

But I also KNOW that things are getting better and that I know deep down that opportunities are coming my way very soon. The Ace of Swords warns me to watch my thoughts and gain clarity through the fog of the Fairy of the Divine Hand. This Fairy says, "Intoxication, Distorted View, Overindulgence."

This card is all about feeding the Fear. When we are twisted up and can't see things clearly for what they really are. A battle against our addictive behavior. We push the Wheel of Fortune whether we want to believe it or not by our choices. If we feed our lives with negative energy we push the Wheel of Fate against ourselves. We must always choose to produce as much positive energy regardless of our circumstances to push the Wheel in the right direction.

The Knight of Cups reinforces the Heart Chakra card by saying love will come in and help... but only if I allow it to. 

The Strange Valentine card says that Love is strange... and indeed it truly is. It is easy to get hurt and blame the world when things like this happen. Oh God why have you forsaken me type of thing. We are but small creatures in a big Universe. Sometimes things have to go wrong here and there now to make a better tomorrow. That takes a level of understanding that people used to call Faith. 

The King of Pentacles comes in to reinforce the Snow Angel to say... good things are coming. You are being given an opportunity to master your world. The material world. The physical plane.  Stay grounded and know that those opportunities on the horizon are coming and when they do this problem will no longer be.

The outcome is the Knight of Wands, Five of Wands, and the Ace of Wands.

Crazy huh?

Did you notice I got all Earth, Air, Fire and Water?

The Pink Lotus Fairy tells me it is time for Spirit. Spirit will keep those demons at bay. I know better. This is a time to invest MORE Faith and trust my understanding. 

Three last cards from my Shaman Tarot. Temperance. Ahhhhh yes. My heart was threatened and I could have closed it right up to avoid feeling pain and been thrust into my mind. Which would have been very bad. I would be lost in the realm of Swords and most likely been looking towards the Masculine for all the answers. But no. I am choosing to keep my heart wide open and trust the process which in turn creates a blending of my heart and mind. My masculine and the feminine. That is where the magic happens. That is where the answers lie. 

Notice the butterflies? The same butterflies that flutter through the Death cards... Transformation. 

The Four of Bows is the Four of Air. Mental Peace. Rest. "The Call of the Spirits"

"Crisis that brings about a new equilibrium, a need for a pause, answers that arrive through trauma."


I would call this a Faith tester alright. There are solutions to every problem. Most people are stuck in the Physical Realm of the Pentacles and try to solve their problems there. You just can't. You must look for the solution where it started. In Spirit. That isn't a woo woo concept people. Spirit is Fire. Fire is above the Mental Realm. Inspiration that drops into the Mental Realm... then down into the Emotional Realm well before it manifests in the Physical Realm. This is where we make changes. 

And lastly, the Empress. Love will prevail. Spirit and Love. I know a lot of you hear these words and instantly cringe and will write me off as a new age fluffy bunny idiot. If that is so then explain to me how I was able to draw these cards? It is the Truth of the matter. One day I will look back when everything has worked itself out and think... why in the world did I get myself that worked up? I am not alone. I have a whole Universe conspiring to make me happy. Worrying is only going to rob me of precious moments in the now. Speaking of which.... my children just woke up. Thank you Tarot for always being there for me when I need you. Now I can enjoy making them pancakes without having to be a crazy stressed out mommy. 

Life is Good. 


  1. The jumpers are sticking with me as I read this and, given that Mandy has poked at me (again!) with the input requested stick, I believe I need to focus on them.

    So XIII-IX-6w. All upright and straightforward. There's a lack of air here - a lack of information or communication at the root of the issue. Mercury rules Virgo, which is the usual astrology for IX, so I'm thinking it was information: something the seller withheld (or didn't know) was at the heart of the sale. It's a Trump, so much of the matter wasn't directly under your control. So what does this do? It isolates and refocuses you onto something else - your emotional attachments to things and what you let them say to you and say about you.

    To the left, we have XIII: Scorpio, Mars, fixed Water. Scorpio gets a bad rap based on some malefic degrees in the first week of that sign, but in this context, it's deserved a bit. However, the 3rd Nostril is telling me that I need to consider this a timing note: the week of Halloween, specifically. Again, not entirely under your direct control... but you can control your reactions to the sudden change and stress it brings on. As a very wise woman reminded me recently, anxiety isn't an emotion - it's a (over)reaction to an emotion.

    So, the seeds of something going wrong with the car purchase actually started around Halloween, weren't disclosed/discovered until after the sale and the lemon laws no longer apply (I'm guessing), and you threw cards looking for a way to steer through the rubble of the devastation around you. How's it turn out? 6w. Life's good, if you want it to be - but at a cost (cf. David Weber about the necessity of meaningful deaths in military fiction. Without them, it's basically just gun porn). That's what's at this point in the Wands - there have been struggles and fights and disagreements that have finally given way to a clear, singular guide leading and directing (Spoiler alert: that's you.)

    The other part of 6w that 3rd Nostril is pointing out to me is timing. First week of August, this is fully resolved on this pathway.

    1. Very interesting!!! You have hit a lot of things on the head (more than you know). And yes I do believe the first time it broke was around Halloween last year! I would love to connect with you and discuss timing. Can you share your websites/blogs?

  2. I just love the way you write Mandi! So detailed - and so darn honest! It can be rather refreshing (speaking as a Venus/Saturn in Aquarius myself haha)! :-) Thanks for this post today!
