Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Past Present Future On Steroids Spread

I like to use a lot of cards. Sweeping left to right I gather information of my past, present and future. 

All sorts thoughts and feelings about Death. A phase in my life is over and I need direction on how to move forward. We have the ability to choose what is best for us. Even our ideology. We make choices everyday that carves our reality. The health of the body consists of not having negative identities. When we are feeling ill we tend to identify with it so much that instead of using the pain as a guide we give it power. 

You have to have a willingness to go with the flow. To let challenges of life flow past you freely, Remember though that each challenge brings you more possibilities, more challenges... Energy flows from our choices. Our beliefs. Recently I have realized some of my long term goals and I am meeting with a reader today to discuss what is next for me. So that I may choose wisely. Having died to the old me I am looking to re-create myself and my life more in line with who I am in the Hermit card. Looking for the way. Taking a step back and seeing what it is I truly want in the Four of Cups and knowing that there is something that I do not see in my subconscious that is awaiting to be acknowledged. 

By meeting with another reader I hope to get a better picture of what I am dealing with. The World and The Sun show me what my main goals are. To move towards completion and joy. To shine brightly and work more efficiently with the Universe with more focus on what I am trying to build in this world. To become the Queen of Wands and know where to direct that energy. I want to see things clearly and what will bring me more prosperity in the Ten of Pentacles. A solid foundation to build on. 

Everyone seeks the Truth in every situation. Ask your own questions and trust your answers. 

The Violet Angel says that there is something new in the horizon. "When she appears it is a sign that many wonderful coincidences, events, friendships, and changes you've been longing for are about to arrive at last! She wishes to arouse you so you will be ready to take full advantage of all the new blessings that are coming soon. Wake Up and Ready Yourself!!!"

This is exciting to me. To know that after Death the Dawn is coming.  I am on the verge of a new day.  I am excited to see what comes of the meeting. 


  1. Good for you Mandy, I eagerly await reading what you discover! I often find that trading viewpoints with others who are not so close to our stuff can be helpful, but be careful to not let this override your own intuition. Think of it as confirmation :-) The other reader may see the same energies as you do, but then frame them different to further understand a deeper principal, or give you an idea to try something out you didn't think of - or warn you about something you might have missed when YOU saw that proverbial 3 of Swords card, thinking it was something else, but it may relate to a different matter as well. Let us all WAKE UP indeed! :-)

  2. Oh you are so right! It is exactly what happened.... but there was definitely something I did not see.... and it is perfect! I got one kid on the bus and two left to feed and hopefully I get some down time before the afternoon to explain what happened. I am super excited.
