Saturday, January 12, 2013

Daily Spreadwork January 12th 2013

My spreadwork for the day. First card is Self-Expression (Vocalization, Individuality, Inner Voice, and Assertiveness). The little birdie sings his heart out. His own unique sound. I love the rings of vibration that echo from him into the world. It has been a long long road for me to unchain my individuality. I have a lot of it. It takes a lot of courage. 

Today is going to be a great day. I get to go to the rock shop to re-stock my supplies. I am completely out of Sage and that is a no good situation. So I got the Four of Wands to represent the happiness of getting things that help me bring my spirituality down to earth. I love rocks, herbs, and candles and all sorts of goodies to work on the physical plane so below. 

The Knight of Swords and the Ten of Swords show how far I have come since my issue with my friend. It is over. 

Losing a friend is hard and it definitely thrust me into chaos with the Fool but the dust is settling and now I am able to re-build my life with the King of Pentacles. He brings order.

Death lays above the Fool and is reinforces the Ten of Swords. It is done. Gone. And now I can rest with the Four of Swords. 

The Knight of Cups above me is about the adventures I am going to go on with my kids today. I love taking them to the rock shop... it is exactly what I need to infuse myself with love again. 

It is EXACTLY what I need to get movement away from this ennui I have been feeling. And a chance to do something fun with my kids. Represented in the Four of Cups and the Page of Cups. 

I am surrendered. Whatever happens happens. I am willing to get new perspectives on things. On my life. The Two of Cups is fun because I know that when I visit the rock shop I am guaranteed to be around my kind of people. That is what I need right now. 

I am so excited to see that TWO Knight of Wands shows up to say that today is a day for Spirit, Action, and movement. Perfect. Just what the doctor ordered. 

There are only two Major Arcana present today. Death that is passing away and the Hanged Man. Universe take what you must. I am willing and waiting. 

Silence (R)- You often become fearful in your decision making process. Will you choose the right thing to do? How will others feel about your decisions and what if you make a mistake? There are no mistakes only opportunities to choose again. With this fear approach situations in your life with the need to fill them with words, reasons, even excuses for why things aren't working for you. The guidance you seek has already arrived within you and now is the time to be still and listen so that you will know without a doubt what you r next steps will be and whatever you choose will be perfect in this now. 

Gateway: The Portal- In every reality there are doorways to other dimensions. These doorways open and close with the natural rhythm of creation. When they are open they can be entered with ease, but once entered, they don't always lead to the same destination. By drawing this card you are about to embark into the unknown and a direction that you never considered. Remember that the direction can change without notice but that in those changes is the perfection of the rhythm of all creation. 

Everything from Nothing- The Truth is that nothingness doesn't exist and everything does. Whatever you mean to create will organize out of the heart of creation as soon as the command to do so is made by you and fueled by your passion. The resources for your direction are endless. 

I suppose this is a prod to me with the Self-Expression card. I am afraid to make decisions. I am afraid of making mistakes. Probably because I have made so many in my life. I need to just act more. By doing more and thinking about it less I can move creation along faster. I just need to keep doing what I love and everything will be fine. 

The Present Situation- The Wizard: Use Your Skills to Aid Others. A sage philosopher and advisor, the wizard is also a skilled practitioner of the known sciences and the art of magic. He possesses a mysterious and charming demeanor. The wizard's power is derived from secret knowledge. Use your skills to aid others and you will achieve great things. 

I'm workin on it. 

Concerns Health and Physical Well-being- The Gate: A Barrier Keeps you From You Goal.

The gate represents an unavoidable obstacle that stands between you and your goal. The gate may not be opened without the proper key, however, once unlocked, it leads to a desirable place. 

Grrr. Wonderful. I will draw a card to see what THAT is all about in a minute when I am done. 

Represents Love and Friendship in your Life- The Wolf: Beware Who You Trust

A relentless hunter, the wolf is both feared and respected. This beast is selective yet extremely loyal in matters of friendship. Follow your instincts. Beware who you trust. 

Wonderful. Sounds relevant to my current situation. It is difficult to listen to your instincts when you love everyone. I got to work on this. 

Represents an Immediate Concern- Medusa: Jealousy Leads to Downfall

Medusa represents envy and a corruption of beauty. This tragic mythical being may also signify an act of jealous rage, exile, or harsh punishment. Excessive jealousy leads to downfall. 

Hmmmmm. I am just going to graze over that one for now... but I know exactly what it is talking about.

Represents Spiritual Harmony- The Queen: Love and Prosperity

The Queen represents a dominant female figure. She is a respected and refined woman who is sympathetic and nurturing, yet emotionally confident. The Queen also represents love, prosperity, and fertility. 

Yay!!! Very good advice to focus on. 

Signifies Wealth and Material Prosperity- The Sphinx: Choose your Words Carefully

The Sphinx poses a perplexing riddle. Your abilities will be tested. A difficult problem requires contemplation. Don't act on impulse. Choose your words carefully before you speak. 

Hmmm. Well that gives me a mixed message from the two Knight of Wands in my earlier spread now doesn't it. I guess there is a difference between action and running your mouth. Note to self: Keep mouth shut. Got it. Wait and the self-expression card too!!! Hmmmm. I guess the test is to express myself without malice. 

I am being tested right now. How I handle my situation. What's done is done and I need to leave it in the past and let it die. If I do not I risk pushing the Wheel in the wrong direction. It is a small town and there are eyes and ears everywhere. Focus on my abilities of helping others and keep it at that. 

My life is pretty sweet. 

"So things have been rough for a little while now, and there seems to be a place where flow happens, but you can't find your way into the stream. Have no doubt your life can be sweet and sound as honey, as healthy, strong, and productive as a bee, as busy doing something you love as they, the inertia and feeling of being left out of one of life's secrets will have lifted! Abundance, golden times, essential oils, and flower therapies- you will soon be in heaven on earth again with the sweet bee as your familiar for this time. Let the bee show you ancient wisdom- and if you listen, they will show you where the honey is!"

Sweetness! Bring it on. 


  1. Funny right after I posted this someone started chatting with me asking me if I "like to have a good time".... BLOCK. Message received. ?

  2. Great post on your progress Mandy, so glad to see it! Yes, cleansing reactions hehe! ;-)
