Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 18th 2013 Spread Work

The Golden Pheonix

Something you thought had finished has burst back into life.

"You have retracted. Rested... Recovered. And now you will reignite!!! You thought something... or someone was over. Dead. In the past. But this once-lifeless thing of ashes is about to flame back into full and warm existence! You are about to witness resurrection, and you and that which is reborn will have the chance to create something of warmth and beauty together. Something pure. Innocent. And Wise. Which many others will benefit from.

Passion and Desire, Will and Force. Reclaiming health anew. Intelligent direction are all on your agenda. Also a theme is your health and fitness- your metabolism, and firing it up is a very strong desire. A sacred duty for you now. Stronger. Leaner. Healthier."

The mainstream has everyone brainwashed on how the body works. Get quick fast gimmicks at every turn and then cross advertising with Burger King.

The Truth it is not the struggle it is made out to be to have good health. The hardest part is loving your body. Loving your body even when it isn't in the shape that you see now. But your body right now is the direct result of how you have treated it.

Mentally. Emotionally and Spiritually... not just Physically.

Mind over Matter is not a new concept. And it continues to baffle scientists everywhere. Spontaneous change has to work its way through our reason before it becomes manifest.

Pay attention to how to talk to yourself. Be gentler to yourself. Ignite that spark in your body. Revitalize yourself and your body image.

Taurus is all about the body. Sustenance, Luxury, and Nutrition. It is about our body and what we do to feed it. Whether it be by Art, Food, Sex, Chocolate.

The Chakra cards around it:

Sacral Chakra. This is seat of creativity and healing. Desires, sensuality, sexuality, emotions, relationships and our sense of control.

Pisces and Scorpio this is the spot where we let things go. We accept change and share our emotions freely. It is where we receive enjoyment and pleasure from. Passion. Abundance.

This is also the spot that creates guilt, jealousy, over/under eating, trauma and repressed emotions.

This is the area where we either become to dependent on others or find ourselves too dependent on others.

This is our spot of self-pleasure. Self-Nurturing.

If we can change our thoughts about our body... then we can change our body. And that works on all scales. How we think about our physicality CHANGES IT.

All the work we have been doing this is the time to put it in action and act as if.

We have Faith. Faith is actually part of the Crown Chakra. Faith is nothing more than having a super high perspective on things. Seeing beyond your current situation and circumstances. It is a knowing that anything we are going through right now is bigger than us. In that knowing we relinquish the need to control.

The Base Chakra comes up to say that now we are grounding our visions. This card is of Saturn and Earth.... Capricorn and Aquarius.

We are seeing beyond our limitations but acknowledging our humanity within our Godliness. Capricorn is all about slow meticulous climb. One solid planned foot in front of the other.

We are slowing down and we are walking our talk one deliberate step at a time.

Aquarius sees far into the future. We are progressive. We see the big picture and we want everyone to get on the same page. That we are all the same... we are all human... and there is a big plan out there beyond our day to day circumstances. But it is in those circumstances that make us unique and individual.

To tell one hell of a story.

That is what it is isn't it? Your story.

Visualization comes from the Third Eye Chakra. Imagination. Focus. Experience. Manifestation.

You are creating your experience by your past. By your choices. Your fears. Everything is fluid. We are all moving in and out of each others lives like colored dots on a rubix cube.

If our intent is to get all of the colors to match on each side... if we focus hard enough... and understand the concepts of manifestation... eventually... we get results.

If we just keep at it. PMA baby. Positive Mental Attitude.

It is easy to get caught up in your daily life and make excuses to why you can't take five minutes and lay on your bed and visualize what it is you want.

You have to be able to dream it before you can make it real. Everything that ever was all started out with an idea.

It is time to use all that Aries energy and with a visual plan we can actually start moving our feet. Walking the path. Allowing whatever needs to come into our lives to assist us on the next step and believing that it is there and it is real. 

The Robert Hanson Tarot: My reality. My life as I see it. 
Deviant Moon: Subconscious. What is happening behind the curtain. 
Light and Grey Tarot: My Art. My Career and Work.
Aquarian Tarot: The Future. Dreams, Goals and Projections.

Seven of Pentacles, Six of Swords, Four of Wands, and the Hanged Man.

The Witch stands below a tree and practices her magic. The Pentacles are high in the tree branches. I suppose she is using her Will to make them fall to her.

She is moving on... mentally. Heading to better more fruitful planes. Taking all that firey spiritual energy and grounding into something tangible.

Its time to have a little fun. Letting go of limitations. Breaking free of bonds. Perhaps maybe even a little bit of a surprise!!!!

Whatever it is... we must visualize and plan dream and plan lightly and then surrender that plan. To visualize it want it and then let it go.

The future is just so much different. It is quite the opposite than the way we have been living. But I believe in Kamra... in Justice... not the justice of man... but of the universe. The natural law. That which needs to fall... will... had it rough? Do you have your PMA? Then hold onto it.

Our limitations have been thrust into our faces. HERE THIS IS WHAT IS HOLDING YOU BACK. Now that you know... what are you going to do about it?

The Devil comes up in our past and above us. The past has been brought up to be healed. Look at the past... this is where your limitations have been set.

This is your conditioning.

Are you going to live a life wrote for you? Or are you going to design it yourself from the raw data of all that is?

The Aries energy comes out from the King of Wands and he directs it all at the Three of Pentacles.

I find it funny... the Four of Wands is Fire of Wands grounded into the solidity of the Four. While here the Pentacles are of the Earth... but three the Alchemical Trinity: Mercury, Sulfur and Salt - Spirit, Soul and Body.

These two cards speak of my Work/Art situation. In all... my life is my work.

The Great Work.

Above me the Sun in working behind that veil... on my Devil. Consciously and Subconsciously. Bringing clarity to demons from the past. Making them conscious. And let's face it... not so scary.

The King of Pentacles and the Chariot. Giving those limitations the middle fingers then blowing smoke in their faces and I ride off into the desert with a suitcase full of drugs.

It is time to write a story worth reading.

LIGHTS!!!! (Sun) CAMERA!!!!! (The Chariot) ACTION!!!! (The Eight of Wands)

The King of Cups comes up as a subconscious force in the future. More emotionally stable and secure.

More High Priestess... In my past reality and in my future work. (Natch). I love this shit.

Living each day and gently pulling back the veil. Finding more things to experience. It is all so exciting. What to create?

The Star shows up. Healing. Knowing. We aren't living by Faith anymore... but a deep level of understanding.


We have battled our demons... yet again... and now we emerge... from the healing water a little bit more authentic. Stripped away another layer of conditioning. Another layer of falseness.

And we will continue to do it... until we sparkle.

Strength. In this card a large dark man wrestles the sea beast. The Subconscious is a faithful servant. Allowing delivering to us what we ask for. But when the subconscious is chuck full of happy dreams instead of nightmares... our life suddenly doesn't seem so bad....

and then it slowly grows into something beautiful.

The Fish to me always represents the Imagination. Pisces. But usually the Strength card is about Leo. I think think card hints to being aggressive with our dreams. Choosing fight the good fight to live our dreams and not our nightmares.

The Devil comes up a third time. How have you changed through this experience? I ask the card. How have you changed me?

The Devil from the past looks sneaky. He is hidden deep inside my subconscious. Hiding in the dark. But through the gift of Tarot he is brought to light. He doesn't look so scary in the Robert Hanson deck does he? No... hidden away he is left alone to do his dirty work... but when we shines a light on him... we realize... we are only chaining ourselves. That once Dorothy rips the curtain back she sees just a little guy with a big hat and a lot of cranks and horns.

But it is our scary experiences with the Devil that create courage. It is the pinnacle of the story when the music gets intense... your heartbeat increases and you are not sure if the character will live or die.

Seize the moment.

Experience the feeling of victory. So that you can gain the upper hand with the Devil. A balanced relationship and a respect for the darker forces in life. Don't feed the fear monsters.


In the third card he is painted with soft brush strokes. A gentle face. With a beautiful pentacle etched into his Third Eye.

"Hell is of your own creation." he says gently as he strokes his soft purple blanket.

"Don't blame me for your nightmares... I work on the Physical plane... not the Mental one"....

He holds a ball of flame towards the ground. I simply manifest desires. I am not the one who creates the desires.

"I am your sexual slave"...

What fires your passion?

The man in the Two of Wands holds the World in his hands.

"This is my world to create..." He says.

The energy of the Two builds to the Three. You set the intention with the Two and let it loose into the emotions of the Three... and send it down into manifestation.

I drew one last card from my Tarot of the Tattooed Age. The World. How perfect.

I am free to create it as I like. What do I want to create? More of what I already have.

Just. MORE.

*Blessed Be*

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