Monday, April 22, 2013

Daily Spread Work April 22, 2013

I have been through the wringer. Now a little stronger and a little Sparklyer. This cycle was a powerful one for me. It had to be done and I am better for it. Improving my skills. Going through the process so I can help others through it. 

What a Doozy. My Lilith in Pisces makes me prone to mental breakdowns but this one was gigantic. David and Goliath. I have a new respect for the Wheel of Fortune now. I consider it the hand of fate. I was driven by it. I asked for it and I got what I needed. 

Ten of Cups. Emotional Stability. Bam. 

It wasn't easy walking away from such a negative attachment. Because it was my own mother. But by dropping the unhealthy relationship with her I embraced the entire Divine Feminine. 

And I rise stronger, wiser, and more comfortable with my emotions.  No longer are these unconscious emotions unconsciously driving me. I requested them to be brought to light and they were. 

I have found peace. The Six of Pentacles: "Real and Unreal, giving and receiving. Having and lack are two sides of the same coin. There is not one without the other. There is a time for both sides of life. What time is it in yours?"

Balance. Give and allow to Receive. 

The Wheel comes up again with the Tower and the Emperor. No longer in my Tower I have re-claimed the World. And I find myself right at the beginning again... with the Fool. 

But THIS cycle I understand the Sun and the Moon and what I mean to them. 

The Lovers. The Subconscious mind fornicates with the Conscious mind. In this aspect the male/female dynamic is switched. Hinting to the fact that from behind the veil this is the process we see in the Lovers card. That there are Male and Female roles both in the Conscious AND in the Subconscious. They mirror themselves. 

That being said.... I am taking advantage of all areas of my brain. 

My favorite card AGAIN!!! Comes up with the Empress and Justice. I was out of balance. My conscious feminine role in my life was tainted but it was strong with my Spiritual Mother. And with her help she led me to the solution. 

I have a brand new loving relationship with my subconscious. Love always conquers all. I was lost in the woods and the Five of Swords kept me mentally divided. Having a damaged Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus and a Mind I could not rely on I wonder how it is I am even alive today and how I woke up today with such an amazing life. 

Death. Scorpio. Sex Death and Transformation. Craziness. 

Now in my conversation with Julie Cuccia-Watts I had mentioned that in her studies Fives are about Love. But most decks images for Fives involve Chaos, Competition, and Separation.

I can see the Five of Wands as working together for a common spiritual goal. 

So here we have the Five of Pentacles and the Five of Cups. Separation  Sadness, Brooding...  Feeling rejected. 

So I pulled some cards over them and asked what these cards really are about. 

As I was shuffling the Empress jumped out. "Yes Yes you are on the right track!!!"

I pulled the Seven of Pentacles over the Five of Pentacles and the Three of Cups over the Five of Cups. 

In between the Two of Cups a couple sit. Butterflies are released into the air. The Five of Pentacles can rob you of the Magic of Life. It can render us powerless. 

The Three of Cups shows that the Five of Cups should be about a dam orgy!!! Two is fun, Three is company... Five is a party!!!!

In Numerology Fives are about Love and Regeneration. Expansion, Growth, and Grace. Calm within the Storm. So you can see how these cards come with their challenges. But I think we as a collective are moving past these meanings. I feel the Star card is going through some radical changes. 

I am really excited for the future. 

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