Saturday, April 20, 2013

Daily Spread Work April 20, 2013

Daily Draw:

Three Decks

My Reality as I see it: Robert Hanson
My Subconscious... Behind the Veil: Deviant Moon
My Future: The Aquarian Tarot

I think everyone has been feeling the Emperor energy lately. The spread reminds us TO TAKE BREAKS. That the Sun has moved into Taurus and it is time to SLOW DOWN take some time to nurture ourselves. To buy something sparkly or give ourselves permission to pamper ourselves a little.

We have done so much work over this Winter. A lot of Death and Reflection.

Our Faith has been turned to Understanding. We are our own World and one with the Universe. Step back and allow the Universe to give you what you need.

Once you give yourself what YOU need.

Eat right. Sleep. Meditate. Set yourself in a routine.

Saturn opposing Venus is asking us to re-structure our relationships. But it requires us to put ourselves first. We are feeling restricted by love here in this position. But we know... that Saturn is only testing us. Showing us where our own limitations are. But it sextiles Pluto... which shows that there is opportunity here for great change and solutions.

Own your power and your strength. Cling to what you know to be true. Do not give in to the Emperor's fear tactics because the Empress is right there above Hope. Equal to the Emperor.

Balanced. Like the Universe is... Naturally.

She oversees everything that the Emperor does. As a good wife should. Because without her... he would not exist and vice versa.

The Ace of Wands seems contradictory to me. As the Ace of Wands is about power, force, active, male, fire. But here we see a woman gently cradling her new born babe.

This is our project. This is our new focus. But we must balance the urge to drive forward with the Aries energy with the Loving Energy of Taurus. To help the Emperor create new structures in our lives based off our hearts not our heads.

Because we are on our path. Whether you are on the tracks or not... you are still on your way. Nothing is stopping you now.

The Star comes up again. This is who you are. A special unique Star. You have worked very hard on dropping limitations, changing belief patterns, letting go of pain, embracing the present, and experiencing a more authentic you.

Congratulations. You have worked hard for it. The arrows have been sent.... the work has been done... you pulled back and in strength you now can be propelled forward...

But for now... it is time to take a break... grab a Martini and some chocolate and get in a bubble bath and where the lacy underwear with nothing but a diamond necklace and your favorite blanket and watch your favorite movies and maybe get a little frisky.

The Moon is in Leo right now... so you are getting some help with finding your hidden confidence.

The Eight of Swords... is a card of warning... that by not taking a break you risk mental overload and you will get sucked into the Moon again.

We don't want that do we? No you need to take a break and re-store your energy... check your settings... clear your mind. So that you may come back to the work table on Monday and be more efficient and creative from the rest.

The Page of Wands, the Two and the Three show that you well deserve it.

The Fool says that after your break and your treat.... you can feel more confident stepping into your new more powerful role.

Everything is set. The work has been done. The intention has been set.

Bury the brick and cut the string to the balloon and let it go.

If we don't Trust the Universe what we are really saying is we don't trust ourselves. Because we are one.

Don't fear the Emperor he is only becoming more prominent to challenges us. To refine our changes. To bring order to the recent chaos. But if we fear him... he resist his changes or worse we creating what we most fear.

The Knight of Swords says you need to be more aggressive with your thoughts. This is the bridge of Faith to the Holy Grail.

The time is now.

Self doubt = doubt in the Universe. Period.

The Magician. It is yours to create. All the elements are there on the table... the Fool is all the raw data of everything that ever was or will be. It is was the High Priestess Inuits.

You can create anything you want. But for now... you need a break. Mars is in Taurus and even though we feel we need to FIGHT AND PUSH Forward. It may be a little deceiving... because we HAVE been.

And to avoid burnout heed the Taurus energy and ground before you go out and start controlled burning of the preserve by taking matters into your own hands to get the ball rolling... just wait and see what life wants first.

"Nature Needs Fire

Every spring and fall, our ecologists safely burn hundreds of acres throughout Lake County. Why? Because fire is one of the things these areas need to regain a healthy diversity of species.

Before this land was settled, wildfires set by lightning and Native Americans were frequent and unchecked. These fires actually shaped local habitats. Today, of course, wildfires are put out. But in Forest Preserves, under safe and controlled conditions, fire helps preserve Lake County's rich natural legacy for future generations.
The Magic of Burning

Fire is the most efficient and economical tool available for managing Lake County's natural communities. It controls invasive shrubs and trees. Without fire, buckthorn, honeysuckle and other weedy species would muscle their way into local habitats and shade out native plants.

Lake County's landscape dramatically shows how fire suppresses trees and shrubs. For centuries, fires swept from west to east across the county, only to be stopped by the Des Plaines River. That's why tree-sparse prairie and savanna dominate west of the river and large woodlands are restricted to the east side of the river.

More Magic

After a burn, many native plants are more robust and produce more seeds. Fire lengthens their growing season, recycles nutrients and, for a few species, is critical for their seeds to sprout.

Oaks, hickories and a few other trees grow a thick bark that protects them from fire. Big bluestem and many other plants of the prairie and savanna keep their buds safe just beneath the soil's surface. Non-native weeds aren't so well-adapted and so burning keeps them in check."

Allow this natural process of nature to do its work. Only the native strong and mature will survive... and not only survive. But THRIVE.

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