Friday, April 19, 2013

Spread Work April 19th 2013

Daily Draw:

Things have been a little fuzzy for me today. Something un-expected came up for me. Because of this, I have decided I need a new deck... So I am using my Tarot of Sweet Twilight. It seemed fitting. This deck will help me navigate the experiences I am having now and the Robert Hanson will kind of be the clarity I am trying to find through it.

Storm Angel: Collision of Beliefs, Styles, Attitudes, and Energies.

"This beautiful fairy is dressed in storms yet she is calm and centered and left unharmed. She has learned to deal with the energy around her. When two energies collide.... when intentions are vastly different or techniques are worlds apart or when two incompatible belief systems meet up!

Difference is good. Difference is diversity. When a high and low energy collide this fairy will burn away the old and create a clear fresh vibration as a result. Withheld energies are being freed and released."

The Three of Pentacles above and the Three of Swords to the left. We recently found some peace of mind to our past.

We have been pointed out the root of our heartache and have mastered it mentally with the King of Swords.

"Logic is a very good thing. However, it may not always be as rigid and narrow as you think. A good mind is flexible, and can bend with the winds of time and react well to whatever comes its way."

In the card a scarecrow withstands the winds. I suppose when we are very rooted we can hold firm against mental storms. Even though we feel vulnerable and are unaware of what it is we are feeling attacked by...

I wish I had the Tarot of the New Perspective or whatever it is called. It brings a new dynamic to the card. What is this man paranoid about? Who is his enemy? Who has hurt him in the past?

The Emperor and the Queen of Wands.

"Trial by Fire is a good way to develop Strength of Character and Wisdom. But people usually choose other paths. Trial by Fire people don't get a choice- except how they respond to the Trial."

Is God punishing me? You might ask....

No... he is just testing you.

As you see here with Temperance.

He is molding you. Shaping you. Testing you. Guiding you.

Notice the patterns.

The Two of Cups. "Fill the World with Beauty... and heal all manner of ills".

People have the ability to heal each other. Because people need other people to live... to love and be loved.

Those who deny this are sicker than they want to admit or believe.

We all need each other. The girl in the Three of Pentacles looks at herself in the mirror. She sees herself everywhere she goes. You are another one of me. The Spirit in me honors the Spirit in you.

We see what we want to see.

Justice holds the scales. Our heart is much lighter now. Having made peace with some of that heartache.

The Three of Wands shows light of a new day.

"All hope feeds the dawn, the promise of a fresh new day. As each challenge slows our chase of the sun, we can pause, reflect on how far we've come and move on feeling renewed."

The Sun always rises and sets. There will always be a Moon phase followed by another breaking Dawn. So why not just take a pause to acknowledge the scenery.

Isn't it beautiful? Forever chasing the Sun.

I feel a little better now... Like I have a new handle on things... again... this go around.

My friend Marilyn commented on a picture here on my wall and remarked about how people are feeling burned out today. The cards reflect that. The Ten of Wands.

The group of girls are in a circle around each other... what are they doing?

"It is hard enough to keep track of your own actions and their consequences. Trying to control or manipulate everyone around you is sheer madness. You just need to worry about you."

I suppose one can get burnt out pretty quickly this way. By over-extending themselves.

But why are these girls in a circle? Who are they? Perhaps this is where hope lives. When everyone gathers together because in the end that is the only thing we have. Each other.

The castle is up on the hill top. They seem sad and desperate. As if what they are far from what they want. They seem cold and it is raining blood.

"The sky is turning red
Return to power draws near
Fall into me, the skys crimson tears
Abolish the rules made of stone"

"In the work of William of Newburgh, a rain of blood proves the drive and determination of Richard the Lionheart. According to William of Newburgh, a contemporary chronicler, in May 1198 Richard and the labourers working on the castle were drenched in a "rain of blood". While some of his advisers thought the rain was an evil omen, Richard was undeterred.

The king was not moved by this to slacken one whit the pace of work, in which he took such keen pleasure that, unless I am mistaken, even if an angel had descended from heaven to urge its abandonment he would have been roundly cursed.
—William of Newburgh"

Again another sign to be flexible comes up in the Two of Pentacles.

The woman in the Ten of Pentacles reminds me that I am safe, beautiful, and comfortable. Home is where my heart is.

The Page holding the Pentacle gazes into it. Oh my pretty new pet. How I love you so.

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