Monday, April 29, 2013

Psychic Surgery

Psychic Surgery

The suit of Swords represents the Mind. Thoughts have a lot of energy. But that energy comes from the heart. It is how we FEEL about the thoughts that matter.

Literally - Matter.

A thought pattern can be difficult to change especially when we have so much attachment to them. Some thought structures are easier to re-route, re-build, or destroy altogether than others. Depending on how much of our reality depends on that thought form to exist.

Everyone has an opportunity to re-wire the structure of their realities every moment of everyday. But change first has to come from the invisible realms... spirit and thought before it can ever change Matter.

Invisible realms are either completely over looked, not taken seriously or scare people. But their existence cannot be denied.

Our brains are programmed to operate in a certain way. Whether by other people (which is the norm) or by ourselves (which is my preference).

There is a lot of conditioning that needs to be acknowledged and released.

Every individual is responsible for this on a Micro level... if everyone does their part then you will see the change on a Macro level.

My aim is not to offend people... but to educate them.

I am being forced to communicate myself more. We all are. To share what we know. Everyone one of us is good at something... and this is the time to come together and share. So compare and share our differences to find the common ground to which we all walk.

This is the information age. The Age of Aquarius is now. It is change... fast forward progression with the procession of the equinoxes. Adapt or die.

Evolve and Change... or get lost in the wake.

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