Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Daily Spread Work April 17, 2013

Daily Draw:

I don't know why I started with Tarot this morning. But I did. I have been enjoying the new deck my hubby gave me. The Aquarian Tarot.

I figured I would use it in my Light and Dark spread. The Deviant Moon always willing to play the dark side.

This spread helps me look deep into what is unconscious and what is conscious. It is map to help me see where I am at in Time and Space.

My progress. The Mirror to look into my Soul and see how I am feeling, thinking... where I have been and where I am going...

The Tower comes up with the Lovers. Fulgurite meets Moldavite in a catastrophic awakening to the reality of life and the forces that drive us.

I am fully conscious that everything that is happening... is happening for the good of me and all. Sure there are scary unseen forces at play... and yes indeed it can be very painful.

But its all good.

This is the clarity I have in the Ace of Swords. This ideal that we all work for.

The Eight of Wands from the Moon whispers to me, "A peasant woman prepares to rid her land of the Wands growing in her field."

Perhaps I am focusing too much on my frustration... good news is on the way...

But I am really annoyed with the naysayers. The little man in the Five of Cups is getting verbally abused by the nagging woman behind him. The Moon in the card speaks of my paranoia.

I figure that the ones that try to bring me down are unhappy themselves. And instead of building me up they want to tear me down.

Such is my life. Instead of getting congratulated for my achievements I get pointed out my failures. Or perhaps subconsciously that is what I am looking for. Consciously the Two of Wands confirms that.

Your World is in your hands and you get what you look for. Thank you to the people today who had such good things to say about my page... it really helped me pull out the positives.

Because let's face it... The Emperor... "THE MAN"... Damn the Man.

The past is catching Fire now. In the Page and Ten of Wands.

The Fool.

It is only the Beginning. LOL. Right back where we started from!!!

Isn't life just one big joke?

It is such nonsense that it gives me a sense of peace. I am an Aquarian and am good with Chaos.

My World is peace within the Chaos.

The cards say... Don't fear the Emperor. The rules are there for a reason. There must be order. You just can't have chaos all the time... it is always moving and changing.

Everything is in constant motion... everything is always changing.

But... there is order to this seemingly Chaos. It is just too big for us. As it should be. No one asks about the mechanics about a Ferris Wheel. They just get on it and enjoy the ride.

They Trust everything connected to that Ferris Wheel from the thousands of bolts to the man who was paid to tighten it. That man... that we most likely will never meet.

The system works. That is if you aren't fighting it. ((Ugg I hate hearing this))


No... nope. We must make the changes while working within the system. That asshole who set that bomb in Boston. He was radical. He made no statement. He helped no one.

Magical work is good. I love it. But there is real work to be done. Out there... in here. Its all the same.

The Empress comes up with the Hanged Man. As strong as we are called to be... we are reminded that Surrender to Love is TRUE Strength.

But we need to learn HOW to do this. It is a process. To learn how to Love. To give love. To receive love. To Trust.

And why would you want to?!! With this horrid hateful world....

Subconsciously... we know. That there is a balance. Between the Feminine and Masculine forces. Between Birth and Destruction.

I caged myself by drawing too much on the Emperor and not on the Empress. The imbalance in me will only reflect an imbalance in my World.

Because I see what I want to see. As do the rest of us. Which goes back to the Five of Cups and the Two of Wands.

Seek and you shall find. Your wish is my command.

We are all Magicians in the field of possibility. But you have to learn how to use your machine. How to fuel it... how to steer it. Like the pistons that fire and move up and down in opposite unison.

It is Sex. It is Creation.

The Hanged Man card has Fire from his groin going up into this Throat.

Make peace with the Emperor. Apologize. Make amends. Atone for your wrong thinking. Don't be so quick to chop down all your crop in haste...

And yes... the problem is always with you.

Root Chakra: Home

This is the fourth month of owning our home. And everyday it gets more and more a home to me. I fall in love with it more and more everyday. It is weird to think that this is my home now.

A little cave for me to hide in. With all the things I love around me. 

Unconsciously I pulled the Sea Storm card. Calm amid Choas. 

I had pulled the Fool card as an unconscious card affecting me. I feel it. I feel at home and centered. But just outside my bubble it feels like crazy chaos. I am confused about what exactly is going on around me... but I guess it doesn't matter as long as I am rooted in myself. 

Consciously I am just trying to be myself. The Grumpy Red Fairy says, "I am tired of being judged by people busy sticking their noses in my business"

"I want to be me... I want to be free without everyone giving me an opinion!!! I am not going to change unless I want to."

A lot of people are boring. I mean really boring. Most people compromise. Most people choose to complain and don't try. 

But that is what makes us so special. Because we don't settle for anything but the best in everything... because we are willing to work for it.

I don't expect it to be handed to me... I expect to be rewarded for my work. I don't think anyone else is taking an opportunity away from me... because I believe in an abundance Universe. I don't believe the only person who I need to be better than... is the person I was yesterday. 

This I believe. 

The Dragon Mermaid card makes me smile because she is my card draw for the Month of April!!!! 

This is it. This is what it is all about. Keeping your vibration as high as possible. Being able to tune your machine to signal others. If they like your music they will listen. My only job is to tune myself to be the most authentic I can.... as to attract more of myself in this beautiful World of mine that I am creating. 

He of the Fiery Sword

The Active Principle. Spiritual Will. Justice. Protection. 

"When the song comes into any of the manifest worlds- this world or Faery or another... it first encounters two principles, sometimes called Yin and Yang. Or Masculine and Feminine. God... and Goddess.

This card is a primary manifestation of the Yang principle. Action. Will. Movement. Force. Fire. 

All the Great Gods and Protectors are aspects of this power. 

It is an Archetype of all magical and mundane and swords... and written upon the blade are the words, "Draw Me Not Without Cause and Don't Return Me Without Honor."

It is about Will AND Compassion. 

Do what needs to be done... But do it with Love. 

It requires the ability to Fly... to Rise Above Things. 

The Strength and Light of Power. 

The Ace of Wands. Interesting how these two cards blend the Fire element with the Emperor and the Realm of Thought....

The Knight of Swords... again saying... be honorable with your words. Pull it back a little. Stop letting your emotions get away with you... don't let them run away with your thoughts into a mad rage of injustice and oppression. 

But there does need to be balance. It probably isn't even about you anyways... and you are just taking it too personally. 

Just be you. 

*Blessed Be*

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