Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spread Work April 25th 2013

I love it and hate it when I pull the Magician on the first draw. I love it becomes it makes me feel in control... but I also hate it because it forces me to take full responsibility for everything. I dropped a lot of emotional baggage. I walked away from a very intense relationship. In all honesty I am burnt out. I have spent the last few days laying around with my kids doing nothing. Just today I am starting to catch up on the laundry.

I love this Nine of Cups from the Deviant Moon deck. "A young man wonders in amazement at the apparition set loose before him. The genie bestows a wish upon him... within a ring of mystical energy."

Material Success, Over-all Well being, Abundant Pleasures, Choices

The Genie are from the Djinn... in this Mystical Lore they are considered the demons that are created through our subconscious sacral chakra and attack our backs through the solar plexus. But Genie also English borrowed a lot of words from Latin. Genius was one of them. Genii is the correct form of the Latin plural. Which, when anglicized, is geniuses.

I suppose this makes a lot of sense when you think about artists having tortured souls. Whatever these energetic creations are we know all about the whole angel and demon dogma. I suppose the line that is drawn in the sand between the two blurs through the eyes of Art.

People see what they want to see, hear what they want to hear, and do what they want to do. Despite your judgement. Or actions to change them.

This Nine of Cups again puts us in the hot seat... we are responsible for everything now. Every choice is an act of creation.

"Seven Cups are positioned in the artist's studio, where he struggles to depict them on canvas. Relying on his subconscious, rather than reality, he interprets his subject with imagination and skill."

People in nut houses experience the things that I experience. But I can handle it. They can't. I am not scared anymore. I am so filled with energy now it is going beyond me. Manifesting in front of me. It's crazy you know... how one day you can be watching Harry Potter wishing in your heart that the world was real...

And then it becomes real.

I suppose people who are trapped on the physical realm of the mundane would not and could not ever understand. They choose not to see.

In one of my earlier enlightening moments when I was younger I stood by my neighbor and watched him water his plants. He was one of the very few people I felt comfortable just being with without the pressure to talk. He was such a loving man. It was palpable. You could feel it come from him.

"Do you see what I see?" he asked?

At the time I was confused to why he was singing a Christmas song in the middle of the summer. But I understand now.

I feel resistance right now reading this spread. The Knight of Swords/King of Cups/and the King of Wands want me to express my feelings... no matter how powerful. But the Truth is even I am scared to. We are all afraid of rejection. It has kept us all away from really ever knowing anyone.

And why should we? When all we do is get judged. But in the end we are in charge of our own well being. No one can take that away from us without our say so. I suppose with the Sun in Taurus we could all grow thicker skin. If everyone has been doing well on their shadow work.... you won't have to feel like you need to hide it anymore. Because you own it. You accept the dark spots of yourself. You have been weighed... and measured and have been found wanting.

I feel like a lot of us feel this way. But the cards promise that soon rewards will be coming. The Ace of Pentacles/The Moon and the Ten of Swords... The scales of Justice has been re-set with your Death. And now a new reality emerges.


Inner... Outer... Balance.

The Lovers. The Seen and the Unseen world become one.


The Devil from the Aquarian Tarot is the old world Devil. He is the master of all the demons. He lives in the underworld... never go there!!! It is HOT!!! And when you die not having accepted the murder of a man who did what you are capable of then you will be sent straight here... to Hell.

Come on... who really believes that old crap anymore??? It is poison. It makes NO SENSE. Yet that nonsense is more acceptable than this:

This is what I got shot after shot trying to take a picture of my spread for this blog. Just look at all that energy? That beautiful luscious energy. And it is free. Doesn't cost a dime. My body is designed to do it. Sure Jesus may have been one of the first... but don't Fool yourself into thinking he was the only and last.  

Another Devil is laid above. He is power. Earth. Sex. Everything on Earth is about Sex... except Sex... THAT is about Power. 

I am no longer mentally divided on the subject. I no longer feel the need to argue... only teach those who want to learn. Because I have found my true security. Our own inner authority. Where true power comes from. 

We can see that clearly now. 

The High Priestess is laid over the Ace of Swords. I was told by a sixteen year old Mormon missionary that only men could hold the Priesthood. That pissed me off. No one knows more about the Dark Inner Feminine than a Woman you dumbass. Don't you tell me that only men hold the Priesthood. 

I hold the Priesthood.

So should everyone else. 

And they shouldn't have to pay their way into it. I had a fan on my page today asking me this exact same question about charging for my readings. Completely overlooking the fact that I offer daily knowledge everyday on my page that I do for free. 

I can only give so much. I can only DO so much. That is why I am currently burnt the fuck out. I feel like a blob of goo. The Full Moon is tonight.... Trying to hold on to the processes of both the LIBRA and SCORPIO Full Moon... and a partial Eclipse. 

If tonight is not a powerful night of change I don't know what is. Life is constantly offering up opportunities for initiation... one must only look for them. 

The Two of Pentacles says... stay open... stay flexible. Reality is bending and you just have to bend with it. Because there is no spoon. The Ten of Swords comes up AGAIN... all this knowledge you have? Now just let it all go. 

Are you kidding me? I spent 7 years learning this crap and now you want me to let it all go?!



Because if you do... The Nine of Cups comes up again... emotional fulfillment. Everything good in life. All those good feelings. Pleasure. Abundance. It all flows from here. Oh the things we do for love. 

The messy drama is behind me. For now. It is time for some space clearing time. Sage... cleanse... clearing the mind... meditate. 

The two witchy twins mirror each other. Much like the Lovers card. They have cones on their heads... Dunce hats were used to help stupid people channel more energy through their heads. Pretty funny when you think about it. 

We all need a little time... just us and the Universe. Because we can now hear it loud and clear. 

The Dinosaur Friends cards reminds me of the Six of Cups. Freezing moments in time. Capturing the moment. We read these words all the time, "Be Present", be here... NOW!!!!

It is about slowing down time. And it can be done. It is done every time I do a reading. Time feels like it stands still for those moments. And then a choice is made... and then dimensions collapse upon each other again and everyone goes about their linear experience. 

I am going to continue to do nothing. And rest easy. And take care of my body... with a nice bubble bath. I am going to let myself off the hook for today and not think anymore for the rest of the day. 

Perhaps if I allow myself the break I need... when I come back to work solutions will be clearer. 

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