Saturday, September 10, 2011

Jesus and Astrology

A Catholic-Christian friend I know argue all the time... in a good way.

We challenge each other... He tells me I need Jesus and I tell him that Tarot Cards are okay.

We both are open hearted but there is something about us that just wont budge... mostly Fear. His Fear of the Bible being wrong and my Fear that Jesus is mad at me.

I have had plenty of restless nights asking Jesus to tell me if he does not want me to use Tarot Cards. But they always called to me... uplifted me... challenged me...

I worried that they were in fact "the Devil's cards."

I dont know why the Bible says that Tarot Cards are an abomination to the Lord. I think I bring flavor to the world. How boring would we all be without all those wonderful Devilish things.

Plus, I always said... Tarot is all in the heart of the reader. Bad reader.... bad reading.

Jesus's birth started the celebration of all birthdays... not just his. That when the stars were aligned jsut right, you were born.... Just as Jesus had his destiny, so do all of us.....

It is in the stars...

That is, if we all can follow in Jesus's footsteps.  Simply accepting him into your heart is not give you salvation. Yes, confessing your sins will always be followed by healing... but we all must do our work and walk our paths.

I am mad at religions that make psychics and witches seem evil and I am mad at the Bible for hinting at these as well.

Astrologers found Jesus.... this teaches us that there is Truth in the stars. We celebrate each of our own birthdays because of the same reason.

I still havent really figured out how I fit in with Jesus, the Bible, Occult Magic, Psychic, and all that blah blah.

All I know is that I love the Tarot. It has brought me closer to myself, others, Truth, and even Jesus himself. So I am going to stop thinking about it and just go with it.

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