Monday, September 12, 2011

The Queens

I have been thinking lately about thinkers.

I am a thinker. I think all the time... and not the type of thinking that suck my soul into a black whole, the kind of thinking that stretches your mind.

My brain always hurts.  I am constantly pushing its edges. Good side is, I am very smart... bad side is I have had to deal with a lot of confusion.

It is safe to stay in the same mindset. To NOT change your beliefs and challenge your understanding.

Then you dont have to deal with the confusion. The confusion tests our strength and challenges every aspect of our being.

When we refuse to deal with confusion we stay the same... and we never change. Nothing ever is born and everything is kept from dying. 

It is during these times of confusion where people seek comfort, support, understanding... they feel disoriented and insecure.

They are very vulnerable.

If I dont do anything else than to help someone during these times then I will feel good. I have been through some long, crazy, rocky times. Thank God though because I have rooted myself deeply with one foot on Earth and one foot in the Heavens.

And I do you know, do it to make myself feel good. That's it. It's quite selfish actually. It is what feeds me. It is my passion. It is my purpose.

I am someone who understands. I am the Queen of Swords, I have gone through it all.

I am someone who cares. I am the Queen of Cups, I have felt it all.

I am someone who inspires. I am the Queen of Wands, I have done it all.

I am someone who nurtures. I am the Queen of Pentacles, I take care of all.

I am the lighthouse during the sea storm at night. I am a safehouse to turn to.

Psychic attack, whether it be from outer demons or your own, is dangerous.

And it is usually both. As above, so Below.

Whatever is affecting your psyche is affecting your whole world.

Add a little imagination and negtive thoughts strips and you've got yourself into a real pickle. You then become enslaved.

Then nothing happens. Other than you become tortured and imprisoned within yourself.

Impulses and false urges draw you to choices that are detrimental to you and therefore the entire planet.

These habits are tough to break. One needs a bolt from God himself to release such bondage.

The Tower, of course, is always there to deliver.

As a counselor, I can point you to the door, that's it. You have to battle out your own limitations.

I am the lamp post along the path.

I tend to work on things on an individual basis. That is my work in the world. Helping one person does, of course, help the universe.

I take no time to dwell and explore planetary chaos.  That is like a rocking horse, it gives you something to do but you dont go anywhere.

It is what I do in my own bubble that makes the difference. Well, everyone doing their part that is would lead to world peace wouldnt it.

I am here to help you do your part.

In a sense, then I am doing mine.

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